
Call for Session Abstracts
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2021

13-17 December 2021
New Orleans, Louisiana and Online

Abstract submission deadline: 4 August 2021

For more information about the meeting, go to:

The American Geophysical Union (AGU) is accepting abstracts for their Fall Meeting. This conference will take place 13-17 December 2021 in New Orleans, Louisiana and online.

The following session invites abstracts:

Session C035: Aircraft-Based Observations of Ice and Ocean in Polar and Subpolar Systems
Conveners: Michael Steele, Christopher J. Zappa, and Michael Wood

Crewed and uncrewed aircraft used for polar climate research has expanded in recent years. Sensors have been deployed onto the surface (e.g., buoys, profilers, motion sensors). Aircraft allow remote sensing and human observing of surface temperature, salinity, ocean and glacier elevations, wave state, mixed layer depth, color, marine mammal counts, sea ice freeboard, snow/ice/glacier thickness, melt pond albedo, marine gravity anomalies, etc. Crewed aircraft can also land and take surface stations over a line or grid of stations. Increasingly, uncrewed aircraft operations in polar environments are also used for many applications that require high endurance, high bandwidth data telemetry, and a multitude of sensor systems. In this session, conveners solicit abstracts on all aspects of this subject applied to polar and subpolar systems, including physical, biological, and possibly human-dimension studies. If there is interest, a panel discussion may be included at the end to solicit ideas and encourage networking.

To submit an abstract to this session, go to: