Community Earth System Model
A Community Earth System Model (CESM) Polar Climate Working Group (PCWG) Meeting will be held Monday-Wednesday, 11-13 February 2013 in Boulder, Colorado at the National Center for Atmospheric Research Mesa Laboratory.
Monday and Tuesday, the PCWG will meet on its own. The co-chairs encourage discussion of issues including the sea ice model component (CICE) development, community projects such as the CESM large ensemble and high resolution runs, and anything else the community would like to discuss. On Wednesday, the PCWG will meet jointly with the atmosphere, chemistry, and whole atmosphere working groups.
Workshops and meetings of the PCWG are open to all who are interested in polar processes. Anyone interested in attending the meetings should contact:
David Bailey, community liaison
Email: dbailey [at]
Dr. Elizabeth Hunke, co-chair
Email: eclare [at]
Jennifer Kay, co-chair
Email: jenkay [at]