Event Type
Conferences and Workshops
Event Dates
2013-03-07 - 2013-03-08
State College, Pennsylvania

The Penn State Ice and Climate Exploration Group (PSICE) would like to remind you that this year’s Midwest Glaciology Meeting (MGM) is quickly approaching! The Penn State Campus in University Park, PA.

MGM has historically been a small, informal meeting, with approximately 30 - 50 participants. Attendees are encouraged to present their work. Students are especially encouraged to attend, as MGM offers undergraduate, graduate students, and post-docs the opportunity to receive feedback from the glaciology community.

If interested, please send an email to Nathan Amador (nsa125 [at] psu.edu) with your name and a working title for your talk so that we can group like subjects (i.e. Ice Core, Climate, Remote Sensing, Seismics etc). All Glaciology and Polar/Arctic Papers are welcome and encouraged to participate.

A registration fee ($30 for faculty, $20 for students) will be collected on Thursday morning. Coffee and snacks will be provided.