Event Type
Conferences and Workshops

Sediment Cascades in Cold Climate Geosystems

Event Dates
2014-09-01 - 2014-09-04
Bavaria, Germany

The Eighth SEDIBUD Workshop will be held at the Environmental Research Station (UFS, web: http://www.schneefernerhaus.de/en/home.html ) located close to the highest point of Germany Mount Zugspitze (2962 m above m.s.l., Wetterstein Mountains, Northern Calcareous Alps, Bavaria).

Changes in climate have a major impact on sediment cascades in high-latitude and high-altitude cold environments from high arctic/antarctic and subarctic/subantarctic to alpine and upland sites. Climate changes influence the nature and extent of glaciers, permafrost areas, ice sheets and the extent and intensity of glacial, peri-, pro- and paraglacial processes.
In this context major foci of the workshop are related to:
1. observations of geomorphological processes, measurements and modelling of sediment fluxes and budgets in cold climate geosystems in past, present and future,
2. the discussion of synthesis chapters of the SEDIBUD book.

Expression of interest deadline is March 31st , 2014. Please provide your choices of participation in workshop and excursions and the title of your presentation. A second circular will be sent after March 31, 2014. Abstract, registration and fees deadline will be May 31 , 2014.