Dr. David Sutherland from the University of Oregon will provide an overview of ice-ocean interactions in glacial fjords. A general introduction of glacial fjords will be presented, followed by more detailed information on fjord circulation and how changes in fjord circulation can impact marine-terminating glaciers.
You can register for the webinar at: https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/389431569.
The new Ice-Ocean Interactions webpage (http://apecs.is/research-sp-359857820/areas-of-research/geosciences/ice…) contains basic background information on glacier ice- and sea ice-ocean interactions, abstracts and citation information for relevant journal articles, and hyperlinks to journals that frequently publish ice-ocean interaction articles. Video recordings of the three webinars described below will be added to the research feature content by the end of February and relevant posters will be added over time.
If you would like to feature one of your posters on ice-ocean interactions on the new webpage, please submit a virtual copy of your poster by following the instructions found at http://apecs.is/research/virtual-poster-session/submit-your-poster. After submitting your poster, please send an email with the subject ‘submission of APECS ice-ocean poster’ to Ellyn Enderlin (ellyn.enderlin [at] gmail.com) so that a direct link to your poster can be included on the Ice-Ocean Interactions webpage.