Event Type
Webinars and Virtual Events

Interagency Arctic Research Policy Committee

Event Dates
Online 3:00pm to 4:00pm EDT

Stephen Tanner, Project Manager at the National Snow & Ice Data Center, will present an in-depth overview of the Satellite Observations of Arctic Change (SOAC) website (http://nsidc.org/soac/). The SOAC site exposes NASA satellite data and research on Arctic change, in the form of maps that illustrate the changes taking place in the Arctic over time. Change maps of seven selected datasets available on this website include: near-surface air temperature, water vapor, sea ice, snow cover, vegetation, frozen ground, and annual minimum exposed snow and ice. Steve's presentation will entail a demonstration of the site features, including how users can view the data and how the data shows change over time. He also will explain how the data was processed and where to get more information. The presentation will conclude with a general discussion focused on questions and feedback on the site.

Contact Sara Bowden, bowden [at] arcus.org, if you would like to join this meeting.