The American Geophysical Union Cryosphere Sciences section is hosting a conversation between early career researchers and US funding
agency program officers, to be hosted on Zoom.
This will be a rather informal event, but we hope to give ECRs time to ask any questions of NSF and NASA program officers during this challenging time. Topics will include ECR-specific impacts relating to COVID-19, all of our ongoing work to build a more just, equal, and inclusive research community, and open question and answer. We will liberally define early career and welcome all those interested in participating.
Please register & complete the pre-event survey to aid in guiding discussion.
Confirmed participants (subject to change)
- Paul Cutler (NSF OPP) - Program Director, Glaciology, Ice Core Science, & Geomorphology
- Roberto Delgado (NSF OPP) - Program Director, Arctic Observing Network
- Thorsten Markus (NASA) - Cryospheric Science Program Manager
- Jennifer Mercer (NSF OPP) - Acting Section Head, Arctic Sciences
- Allen Pope (NSF OPP) - Program Director, Polar Cyberinfrastructure
- David Sutherland (NSF OPP) - Program Director, Oceans & Atmospheric Sciences
We also welcome additional program officers! Please contact Peter Neff (pneff at with any questions.