Event Type
Webinars and Virtual Events
Event Dates
Online: 10:00-11:00 am AKDT, 2:00-3:00 pm EDT

The International Arctic Research Center alongside UAF’s eCampus team are launching a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) this autumn titled “Climate Change in Arctic Environments”. The course, which is open for registration now, and is designed to be approachable and useful for the general public, aims to provide learners with an overview of the interconnected systems which makes up our Arctic environment through the lenses of atmosphere, ocean, land, and people. It also focuses on the changes to each element of those systems under ongoing climate change. Learners should have a better grasp of the tools and vocabulary needed to discuss climate change from the classroom to the public sphere after completing the course. In this webinar members of the team from eCampus and IARC will present on the growth and strategy behind Massive Open Online Courses as a mechanism of both education and communication, and on the goals and structure of this course more specifically.

Please follow the link above for more information and to register.


Rick Thoman, ACCAP Alaska Climate Specialist
John Walsh, ACCAP Chief Scientist
Sean Holland, UAF eCampus Instructional Designer
Mike DeLue, AK CASC and SNAP Science Communicator