Event Type
Conferences and Workshops
Event Dates
2023-12-04 - 2023-12-08
Fairbanks, Alaska

This Alaska statewide Co-Stewardship Symposium is intended to build understanding, relationships, and knowledge that advance Indigenous co-stewardship for the health and wellbeing of all Alaskan human and non-human relatives, lands, and waters. It is a gathering by and for Tribal governments, Alaska Native organizations and corporations, government resource management agencies, university partners, and conservation partners.

The symposium will feature knowledgeable speakers from around the state, and participants will spend considerable time engaged in meaningful dialogues with one another. Themes will include better understanding of co-stewardship and Indigenous-led stewardship of lands and waters, healing relationships and respectful collaboration, upholding Tribal governance, racial equity, the process of co-stewardship, and imagining a new future together and charting concrete next steps.

Stay tuned for more information to come, including how to register. Please note, participation will be limited to ensure diverse representation of participants and due to space constraints. A commitment to participate for the full week will be requested of participants. There will be limited travel funds available for participants from Indigenous organizations and communities.