Event Dates
San Francisco, California

The AGU Fall Meeting is the largest worldwide conference in the geophysical sciences, attracting nearly 20,000 Earth and space scientists, educators, students, and policy makers. This meeting showcases current scientific theory focused on discoveries that will benefit humanity and ensure a

Event Dates
Seattle, Washington

The sixth Airships to the Arctic conference explores the forward and backward linkages of the emerging airship industry. The introduction of transport airship will require new locations for transshipment and generate economic opportunities that do not exist today. Just as these other modes of

Event Dates
Pasadena, California

The Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) and the University of California at Irvine announces the release of the Ice Sheet System Model (ISSM, http://issm.jpl.nasa.gov), an ice sheet modeling software. To coincide with its release, the ISSM team is organizing a workshop at JPL in Pasadena, California on

Event Dates
Zieleniec, Poland

This workshop will be held from 10-13 January 2012 at the Vital & Spa Resort Szarotka, Zieleniec, Poland. Participation is open to everyone interested in Arctic glaciology.

The purpose of this meeting is:

1. To present and discuss new results on observations and modelling of the dynmamics and

Event Dates
Anchorage, Alaska

The Alaska Marine Science Symposium showcases ocean research in the Arctic Ocean, Bering Sea, and Gulf of Alaska. Plenary and poster sessions feature a broad spectrum of ocean science, including the fields of climate, oceanography, lower trophic levels, the benthos, fishes and invertebrates

Event Dates
University Zurich Irchel, Switzerland

This international symposium brings together leading specialists of mountain cryosphere research giving a state of the art overview of recent findings and research strategies for the next decades. This includes glaciers and permafrost as well as combined hazard analyses. The results of this

Event Dates
Tromso, Norway

The conference will bring together representatives from science, politics, and civil society to share perspectives on how upcoming challenges in the Arctic may be addressed to ensure sustainable development, and will discuss the global energy outlook and assess the
potential of traditional and

Event Dates
Kingston, Canada

Endorsed by the International Arctic Science Committee, this workshop is the first in a planned series of meetings that aim to collectively shape and coordinate initiatives for research that directly addresses the needs of stakeholders who are affected by change or who are addressing arctic

Event Dates
Zurich, Switzerland

Registration is now open for the Alpine Glaciology/Glaciologist Meeting (AGM) in Zürich, Switzerland. The meeting serves as informal exchange platform for researchers working on snow, glaciers and permafrost. Oral and poster presentations are welcome, and young researchers are especially encouraged

Event Dates
State Capital Building, Juneau, Alaska

The Juneau Arctic Policy Forum will be hosted by the Institute of the North and will highlight the work done to develop and promote Alaska's role in Arctic decision-making. There will be presentations and discussion about the Pacific Northwest Economic Region (PNWER) Arctic Caucus and results from

Event Dates
Kauai, Hawaii

The WRSA meeting includes a series of Remote Regions/Northern Development sessions to accommodate social scientists who have a special interest in research on economic, social, political, and cultural issues in remote, sparsely settled regions in the circumpolar north and elsewhere. In the past

Event Dates
London, United Kingdom

This meeting is sponsored by the British Geophysical Association/Royal Astronomical Society as the New Advances in Geophysics Meeting 2012.

Applied geophysics, together with more fundamental theoretical and forward and inverse modelling advances, has played a major role in the exploration of the

Event Dates
Boulder, Colorado

Organizers of the Community Earth System Model - Polar Climate Working Group Meeting announce a call for presentations. The meeting will be held 15-17 February 2012 in Boulder, Colorado at the National Center for
Atmospheric Research Mesa Laboratory.

The meeting is open to anyone who would like

Event Dates
Hamburg, Germany

A workshop to present the new SMOS ice thickness product, as well as the scientific and technical outcome of the ESA SMOSIce study will take place at the KlimaCampus of the University of Hamburg. Potential participants are modelers, sea ice remote sensing and assimilation experts, as well as

Event Dates
Salt Lake City, Utah

The workshop offers opportunities to learn details of the scientific outfitting of the new vessel and to network with other scientists. The draft schedule and details of the science sea trials will be presented and discussed. The workshop is scheduled to facilitate proposal submission deadlines in

Event Dates
Salt Lake City, Utah

This joint meeting is an international gathering of more than 4,000 attendees and is being sponsored by The Oceanography Society, the American Society of Limnology and Oceanography and the American Geophysical Union.

The Scientific Planning Committee is developing a program that will cover a wide

Event Dates
Seattle, Washington

The focus for the 2012 meeting is "Northern People and Landscapes in Times of Change." Sensitivity to change has always been a hallmark of Northern communities. The anthropological and archaeological historical record gives witness to tremendous endurance, creativity, and resilience in the face of

Event Dates
Winter Park, Colorado

Please join our annual gathering of international researchers to present your work on any aspect of high-latitude environments (past, present, and future). We strive for a relaxed, friendly, and interactive experience, fostered in part by our relatively small size. And unlike most meetings, you can

Event Dates
Athens, Greece

With the IPCC AR5 report preparation well underway, sea level rise, glacial isostatic adjustment and ice mass balance are very much at the forefront of scientific interest. The aims and objectives of SLALOM2012 are as follows:

-Glacial Isostatic Adjustment (GIA)
-Sea-level Indicators
-Post LGM ice

Event Dates
University Park, Pennsylvania

The Penn State Ice and Climate Exploration Group (PSICE) would like to invite you to this year's Midwest Glaciology Meeting (MGM), hosted at the Penn State Campus in University Park, PA.

MGM has historically been a small, informal meeting, with approximately 30 - 50 participants. Attendees are