Displaying 3041 - 3050 of 3985

Greenland and King George Island, Antarctica

Event Dates

The Joint Science Education Project (JSEP) and Joint Antarctic School Expedition (JASE) announce a call for applications from U.S. high school students interested in participating in polar field research. JSEP and JASE are National Science Foundation (NSF) supported science and cultural-exchange

Event Dates

Organizers announce that the Girls on Ice 2016 Expeditions are now accepting applications. The 2016 program includes two expeditions. The original North Cascades expedition in Washington State will be held 10-21 July 2016, and an Alaska-based expedition will take place 17-28 June 2016.

Girls on

Event Dates
Hotel Captain Cook, Anchorage, Alaska

ARCUS Open House/Drop-In Event

Voyager Room, Hotel Captain Cook
Wednesday, 27 January at 12:00 p.m. Alaska Time

All attendees of the Alaska Marine Science Symposium are invited to join the Arctic Research Consortium of the U.S. (ARCUS) at a drop-in event, which will be held in connection

National Science Foundation Long Term Research in Environmental Biology

Event Dates
United States

The Long Term Research in Environmental Biology program, through the National Science Foundation, addresses a problem faced by many investigators, which is that typical funding awards do not have time frames long enough to address long-term, data-driven research proposals. These awards are designed

Event Dates
Hotel Captain Cook, Anchorage, Alaska

ARCUS Poster

At the Alaska Marine Science Symposium 2016, ARCUS will have a poster on "Collaboration and Understanding in Arctic Marine Ecosystems: Networking Science, Local Communities, Educators, and Stakeholders to Exchange Sea Ice Knowledge".

Monday, 25 January in "Wave 2", 7:15-8:30pm

Event Dates
Hotel Captain Cook, Anchorage, Alaska

The 2016 Alaska Marine Science Symposium begins on Monday, January 25. The morning session will feature the Communicating Ocean Sciences workshop. The daily agenda is available online. The official opening plenary takes place Monday afternoon and includes invited keynote addresses. Poster sessions

IASC Network on Arctic Glaciology Annual Meeting

Event Dates
Benasque, Spain

Mark the dates in your calendars!

The next Workshop on the Dynamics and Mass Budget of Arctic Glaciers & the IASC Network on Arctic Glaciology Annual Meeting will be held from 25 - 27 January 2016 in Benasque, Spain.

Information, application, program etc will become available on the website of

Industry and Environment

Event Dates
Tromsø, Norway

The 10th Arctic Frontiers conference will be held in Tromsø, Norway from Sunday 24 January to Friday 29 January 2016. The title for the 2016 conference is Industry and Environment.

The Arctic is a global crossroad between commercial and environmental interests. The region holds substantial

Event Dates
Herndon, Virginia

Scientific discoveries achieved from, within, and beneath the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets, ice caps and valley glaciers are critical to society today, but large group endeavors are not achieved without significant advance planning. What is your vision for future subglacial science? The U.S

Event Dates
Greenbelt, Maryland

The Science Coordination Office (SCO) for Summit Station and the Greenland Inland Traverse (GrIT) will be sponsoring a workshop on Tues., Jan. 19, 2016, that will focus on Future Research and Station Development Directions on the ice sheet including traverse science and ongoing research at Summit