Displaying 3361 - 3370 of 3985

Interagency Arctic Research Policy Committee

Event Dates
Online 1:00pm to 2:00pm EDT

IARPC Collaboration Teams meet on a regular basis to implement the Arctic Research Plan: FY 2013-2017. Most meetings are open to the Arctic research community. Collaboration teams facilitate communication and collaboration between Federal agencies, the academic community, industry, non-governmental

Event Dates
Reading, Berkshire, United Kingdom

This one-day workshop brings together users and developers of sea-ice models to start a joint effort for improving sea-ice models. We will discuss the analysis of sea-ice biases in CMIP5 models, determine the most pressing needs for model development, identify the most helpful observational data

Event Dates
Tromsø, Norway

he K.G. Jebsen Centre for the Law of the Sea, The Faculty of Law, at the University of Tromsø is pleased to announce the call for papers for the energy law conference.

You are invited to submit proposals to present a paper addressing the conference theme, broadly construed. Without intending to

Event Dates
Buckinghamshire, United Kingdom

9:00 am on Wednesday 24 September 2014 — 5:00 pm on Thursday 25 September 2014 at The Royal Society at Chicheley Hall, home of the Kavli Royal Society International Centre, Buckinghamshire. Satellite meeting organized by Professor Daniel Feltham, Dr. Sheldon Bacon, Dr. Mark Brandon and Professor

Event Dates
Stockholm, Sweden

We cordially invite applications for the ACCESS and ARR summer course organized jointly by the Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics (ACCESS partner) and the Stockholm Resilience Centre (ARR partner), and hosted at the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.

The summer course is open for about 20

Event Dates
London, United Kingdom

This meeting explores the recent, rapid Arctic sea ice reduction. We will discuss the evidence for change, the inability of our climate models to predict these changes, the processes responsible for sea ice reduction and improved representation of these processes in climate models, and the impacts

Event Dates
Nova Yardinia, Castellaneta Marina (TA), Italy

The Earth Living Skin 2014: Soil, Life and Climate Changes is the first of a Conference of the Soil System Sciences (SSS) Division of the European Geosciences Union. The Conference Scientific Program will focus on the fundamental role of soil systems, multiphase complex organisms which generates and

Event Dates
Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, Canada

From September 20 to 21, 2014 in Yellowknife, the Tłıcho Government, in partnership with the Canadian Polar Commission and the Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre, are hosting this multi-event symposium on traditional knowledge. The meaning and uses of traditional Aboriginal knowledge will be

Event Dates
Online; 10:00AM - 12:00PM AKDT

While retreat from the coast may be the safest, and likely inevitable, solution to increasing coastal erosion for many communities, practical and cultural factors come into play that would argue for short-term engineering solutions to buy time, especially for indigenous coastal communities in a

Event Dates
Turin, Italy

For celebrating 100 years of the Bulletin of the Italian Glaciological Committee (http://www.glaciologia.it/pubblicazioni/?lang=en), we are organising an International Symposium on "The Future of the Glaciers: From the past to the next 100 years".

The Symposium will focus on the dynamics of