Displaying 3611 - 3620 of 3985

Interdisciplinary Climate Change Research Symposium

Event Dates
Colorado Springs, Colorado

The DISsertations initiative for the advancement of Climate Change ReSearch (DISCCRS, pronounced discourse) hosts symposia for early-career climate change researchers. Our goal is to catalyze international, interdisciplinary collegial networks and foster collaborative interdisciplinary research and

Event Dates
Nuuk, Greenland

An interdisciplinary conference of the humanities and social sciences entitled 'Heritage and Change in the Arctic' announces a call for papers. The conference will be convened 11-14 October 2013 at the University of Greenland in Nuuk, Greenland.

Making a new and unique contribution to arctic

Event Dates
Akureyri, Iceland

The 2013 Arctic Energy Summit is a multi-disciplinary event expected to draw several hundred industry officials, scientists, academics, policy makers, energy professionals and community leaders together to collaborate and share leading approaches on Arctic energy issues. The meeting will be convened

Event Dates
University of London, London, United Kingdom

I would like to draw your attention to an advanced workshop in the micromorphology of sediment deformation which will be held at the Centre for Micromorphology at Queen Mary, University of London from 7-11th October 2013. This workshop is led by Dr Simon Carr and Professor Jaap van der Meer (QMUL)

"The Practice of Fisheries: Celebrating all who work toward sustainable fisheries in Alaska"

Event Dates
Fairbanks, Alaska

Organizers announce a call for session proposals for the 40th annual meeting of the Alaska Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. The meeting will be convened 7-11 October 2013 at the Princess Fairbanks Lodge in Fairbanks, Alaska.

The theme of the meeting is "The Practice of Fisheries

Event Dates
Grenoble and Chamonix Mont-Blanc, France

The aim of the conference is to promote interaction and exchanges between practitioners and researchers in the fields of snow and avalanche science. The conference is organized in Grenoble and the field trip will take place in Chamonix Mont-Blanc. Translation of the oral presentations will be done

Event Dates
Grenoble, France

LGGE and CSC will organize a 2-day Elmer/Ice course the 3rd and 4th of October 2013. The course is intended for persons who want to start using Elmer/Ice in their research projects. More information about Elmer/Ice can be obtained here: http://elmerice.elmerfem.org/.

The course will take place at

Event Dates
Sterling, Virginia

The 2013 West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) Workshop will be held 29 September to 2 October at the Algonkian Meeting Center in Sterling, Virginia, U.S.A.

The WAIS Workshop is an excellent, informative meeting on ice sheets and polar climate generally, incorporating glaciology, polar oceanography

Sustainable Agriculture and Food Security in the Circumpolar North

Event Dates
Girdwood, Alaska

Organizers announce that the 8th Circumpolar Agricultural Conference and the Univeristy of the Arctic Inaugural Northern Food Summit will be held 29 September 2013 - 3 October 2013. They will be convened at the Alyeska Resort in Girdwood, Alaska.

The theme of the conference and summit is

Event Dates
Kodiak, Alaska

The American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Arctic Division 2013 Annual Meeting will be held 26-28 September 2013 in Kodiak, Alaska. The 2013 theme is "Fisheries and Watersheds: Food Security, Education and Sustainability."

Future concerns about Alaska's marine resources