Displaying 421 - 430 of 3985
Event Dates
Online: 12:00 pm AKST, 4:00 pm EST, 9:00 pm GMT

The Mathematics on Ice Forum meet once a month to discuss mathematical aspects of ice dynamics and bring together the community in an informal online atmosphere.

In each meeting there are two presentations and time for discussions and ice-breaking in small sub-groups. The format is intended to

Data: Driving Science. Informing Decisions. Enriching Humanity

Event Dates
Denver, Colorado and Online

The theme of the 103rd American Meteorological Society (AMS) Annual Meeting will be Data: Driving Science. Informing Decisions. Enriching Humanity.

AMS is committed to ensuring that their

Speaking: Dr. Jens M. Nielsen, Cooperative Institute for Climate, Ocean, and Ecosystem Studies, University of Washington

Event Dates
Online: 11:00 am - 12:00 pm AKST, 3:00-4:00 pm EST

Dr. Jens M. Nielsen will discuss comparing empirical models which can be used with satellite ocean color data to estimate phytoplankton size-fractionated chlorophyll in the Bering and Chukchi seas. Models were compared using total chlorophyll as the predictor for three size-fractions (<5, 5-20 and >

Event Dates

The National Science Foundation has released a solicitation for NSF EPSCoR “Track-2” collaborative research projects. Proposals must include Co-PIs from at least two of the 28 EPSCoR states and territories, and must be on the topic of “Advancing climate change research and resilience capacity to

Event Dates

IASC is now accepting proposals for consideration for IASC funding in 2023 until 18 December 2022 at 23:59 GMT.

The funding is provided by the five IASC Working Groups (WGs) (Atmosphere, Cryosphere, Marine, Social & Human, Terrestrial) and aimed at encouraging and supporting science-led

Speaking: Rick Thoman, Alaska Center for Climate Assessment & Policy (ACCAP)

Event Dates
Online: 12:00-1:00 pm AKST, 4:00-5:00 pm EST

Rick Thoman will review recent and current climate conditions around Alaska, discuss forecast tools, and finish up with the Climate Prediction Center’s forecast for January 2023 and the winter. Join the gathering online to learn what’s happened and what may be in store with Alaska’s seasonal climate

Event Dates
Online: 6:00-7:30 am AKST, 10:00-11:30 am EST

The NSF Office of Polar Programs (OPP) is inviting members of the USAP community to an upcoming Sexual Assault Harassment Prevention and Response (SAHPR) virtual Listening Session. Additional virtual Listening Sessions will be taking place in January and February 2023 as well.

For background

Event Dates
French Embassy in Berlin and Online: 8:00-10:00 am AKST, 12:00-2:00 pm EST, 6:00-8:00 pm CET

As a recent study has shown, the impact of climate change is almost four times stronger in the Arctic than elsewhere, a phenomenon that has been identified as "Arctic amplification". This event, organized within the French Embassy's cycle of "Clima Talks", honours Jean Malaurie, France's most

Event Dates
Chicago, Illinois and Online

AGU Fall Meeting is the most influential event in the world dedicated to the advancement of Earth and space sciences. Every year, AGU Fall Meeting unites the Earth and space science community to share findings, connect like-minded scientists from around the world, and advance our profession and

Event Dates

The Alaska SeaLife Center (ASLC) announces the opening of the nomination period for the 2023 Alaska Ocean Leadership Awards. ASLC established the Awards to recognize those who have made significant contributions to ocean sciences, education, and resource management in Alaska. Nominations for the