Application Requirements

Thank you for your interest in becoming an Arctic Indigenous Scholar! For the purposes of this opportunity, we define a scholar as an expert within their own knowledge system. This includes hunters, fishers, and gatherers; those that process and store food; health aides; and others. It includes youth, elders, and adults. Your education may have come from the land, the water, or a classroom. We strongly encourage applications from those that have not had many similar experiences, those seeking to build relationships, from hunters, culture bearers, and from those active in their community/region.

Candidates should be Indigenous persons at least 18 years of age, with US citizenship. Candidates must be available to travel for seven days during February 2024 (exact dates TBD based on scholar and host availability), willing to work with ARCUS to complete travel arrangements documents, and willing to share about the experience had through this program with ARCUS.

Please contact Lisa Sheffield Guy at lisa [at] or 907-474-1600, with any questions.

Application Instructions

Instructions: Please provide an answer to each question below. There is no minimum or maximum length for your answer. Answers provided in other formats, such as an audio recording, can also be accommodated. Answers written in an Indigenous language are welcomed, but we ask the applicant to provide an English translation for review by our multi-lingual selection committee.

Applications are due by 5:00 p.m. AKST on Monday, 6 November 2023

Scholar Contact Information
Some examples might be subsistence rights, health concerns, or shoreline erosion, but any issue is welcome.
An example might be issues in your community with health & safety or infrastructure that have not received the attention they need from government officials or resource managers.
By submitting this application, I affirm that the statements made above are true and complete.
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