Note: The workshop will be held even if the US government shutdown continues through the workshop dates.
This will not be a meeting with a long series of plenary talks - we'll have a very short plenary session on the first morning, then move directly into break-out groups. So be prepared to stay engaged and contribute throughout the meeting! In addition, the meeting will follow an "adaptive model" for the agenda; we will adjust times, sessions, and specific topics as needed and as agreed by workshop participants during the meeting.
Final Agenda
Sunday, 6 October 2013
Registration & workshop namebadge/materials pick-up available 6:00-8:00 pm, outside Gallery II Meeting Room.
Monday, 7 October 2013
8:30 am Opening plenary: introductory talks
- Welcome and purpose of the workshop from the workshop co-chairs (Jackie Richter-Menge)
- Comments from NSF (Jen Mercer)
- Comments from the Interagency Arctic Research Policy Committee (Sandra Starkweather)
- Science drivers of logistics needs; results of community survey (Jamie Morison)
- Brief review of community survey results (Matthew Shupe)
- Plan for the day and details for Break-out session I (Jackie Richter-Menge)
10:15 am Break
10:30 am Break-out session I: A shared vision of future logistics support (Break-out group leads TBD; groups will be pre-assigned)
- Group members introduce themselves/ice-breaker, review break-out group 'ground rules'
- Envision arctic field research 10 or 20 years from now in an ideal world (i.e., no funding constraints) – what does field research 'look like'?
- What logistics support is in place?
- How is the support delivered?
- How would it be the same or different from today?
12:00 pm Lunch (on your own)
1:15 pm Plenary: break-out group reports, discussion, the plan for Break-out session II
2:15 pm Break-out session II: Logistics needs for arctic domains: terrestrial, marine, ice sheets, atmosphere, social sciences)
- Introductions
- What's needed in the long term (10-20 years) do the best science in each domain? (from expensive, long-term investments to smaller investments or needs)
- Are there logistics limitations that are preventing the best science?
- What are the more immediate or small-scale needs?
- May need to start prioritizing needs
3:45 pm Report to plenary and discussion, begin to highlight common themes
5:00 pm Adjourn for day
Organizing Committee meets in evening
Tuesday, 8 October 2013
8:30 am Morning Plenary: Recap of yesterday, today's plans
9:00 am Break-out session III: Platforms (Participants can select which break-out group to join. Break as needed).
- Alaska sector (includes Toolik, Barrow, other hubs, and remote locations)
- Greenland sector (includes Summit and remote locations)
- Marine operations (includes research ships, oceanographic studies, etc.)
- Ice camps (short term and long term, shore fast)
- Autonomous platforms in ocean, air, ice, and land (AUV, UAS, buoys, automated stations, satellites)
- Introductions
- What's needed in the long term (10-20 years) for each tool/platform to support the best science? (from expensive, long-term investments to smaller investments or needs)
- What are the more immediate or small-scale needs?
- May need to prioritize needs
11:00 am Report to plenary, discussion, and the plan for the afternoon
12:15 pm Lunch (on your own)
1:30 pm Break-out session IV: Cross-cutting issues (Break as needed.)
- Interagency coordination (including public and public sectors)
- International coordination
- High-level coordination of field opportunities and assets (e.g. improved communication)
- Capacity building (e.g., training new researchers and logistic providers)
- Maximizing safety/minimizing risk
- Introductions (if needed)
- For each cross-cutting topic, what is the vision of the best-case scenario in 5-10 years?
- What specific steps or actions need to be done to achieve that vision?
3:30 pm Report to plenary and discussion
5:00 pm Adjourn for day
5:15-6:45 pm Reception at National Science Foundation Headquarters Atrium (4201 Wilson Boulevard, 1 block from hotel)
Wednesday, 9 October 2013
8:30 am Morning Plenary: Recap of yesterday and today's plans
9:00 am Break-out session V: Synthesis and prioritization of previous days' discussion, discussion of workshop products Groups to draft two items: 1) An “elevator speech” that sums up key recommendations 2) Draft table of contents for report
10:30 am Break
10:45 am Plenary discussion: final workshop recommendations and key points
11:45 am Wrap-up: plan for products, timeline, responsibilities
12:00 pm Workshop adjourns
The Workshop Organizing Committee and a few additional participants will convene in the afternoon for writing/product development