News From: - Meeting

Test Beringia Days 2023

Beringia Days 2023

Beringia Days 2023 will be held 23-25 October in Anchorage, Alaska, to gather National Park Service (NPS) Shared Beringian Heritage Program (SBHP) Cooperative Agreement associates, Indigenous Peoples of the Beringian Geographic Region, researchers, and partners to meet and connect.

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News From: - Opportunity

Call for Applications—Arctic Indigenous Scholars

Call for Applications—Arctic Indigenous Scholars

The Arctic Indigenous Scholars Program is accepting applications for scholars to travel to Washington, DC until Monday, 6 November 2023 at 5:00 p.m. AKST. This opportunity creates a space for Indigenous scholars to educate and inform policy- and decision-makers engaged in Arctic issues in the nation’s capital.

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News From: - Report

2023 Sea Ice for Walrus Outlook Partners Workshop Report Available

2023 Sea Ice for Walrus Outlook Partners Workshop Report Available

Partners of the Sea Ice for Walrus Outlook program met for a two-day workshop hosted by ARCUS and the Eskimo Walrus Commission, 25–26 March 2023 in Nome, Alaska to focus on relationship building, steering the future of the SIWO following an evaluation completed in early 2023, and capacity building for SIWO observers.

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News From: - Webinar

Arctic Research Seminar with Henry Huntington

Arctic Research Seminar with Henry Huntington

ARCUS invites registration for the next Arctic Research Seminar featuring Henry Huntington (Ocean Conservancy). Henry’s presentation, titled “Effects of Arctic Commercial Shipping on Environments and Communities: context, governance, priorities” will be held via Zoom on Wednesday 4 Oct 2023 at 9:00 a.m. AKDT. Registration is required for this event.

Register Here

News From: - Report

Sea Ice Outlook September Report

Sea Ice Outlook September Report

The 2023 September Sea Ice Outlook (SIO) Report is now available online. The SIO reports, developed by Sea Ice Prediction Network (SIPN) team members with contributions from the research community and citizen scientists, provide an open process for sharing sea ice predictions and information.

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News From: - Funding

ARCUS Early Career Conference Funding Award - Fall 2023 Call for Applications

Photo by Joed Polly

The award supports US-based, early career researchers or students to attend a meeting relevant to Arctic research, and aims to increase participation of underrepresented minorities and those new to Arctic research. Awards cover costs to attend one event between 1 Dec. 2023–1 June 2024. Applications deadline is 5:00 p.m., 31 Oct. 2023.

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News From: - Meeting

2023 ARCUS Annual Meeting

2023 ARCUS Annual Meeting

Join the Arctic research community at the virtual ARCUS Annual Meeting on November 1st, 9:00 am - 12:00 pm AKST. Explore interdisciplinary research opportunities and connect with fellow scientists. This free event is open to all.

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News From: - Publication

Witness Community Highlights

Eddy covariance tower in Atqasuk, Alaska with a de-icing system allowing for continuous year-round data collection. Photo courtesy of Zona lab, San Diego State University.

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News From: - Call for Input

Call for Sea Ice Outlook Contributions

Call for Sea Ice Outlook Contributions

Sea Ice Prediction Network (SIPN) team members announce the call for contributions to the 2023 Sea Ice Outlook (SIO) September report (based on May, June, July, and August data). Submission Deadline: 6:00 p.m. (AKDT) Friday, 15 September 2023 (Firm).

Guidelines for Contributions

News From: - Report

Sea Ice Outlook August Report

Sea Ice Outlook August Report

The 2023 August Sea Ice Outlook (SIO) Report is now available online. The SIO reports, developed by Sea Ice Prediction Network (SIPN) team members with contributions from the research community and citizen scientists, provide an open process for sharing sea ice predictions and information.

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News From: - Call for Input

Visit the Arctic Calendar

Visit the Arctic Calendar

ARCUS' Arctic Calendar is a searchable calendar of meetings, webinars, and deadlines relevant to the Arctic science, education, and policy communities. It serves as a community resource for Arctic events and conferences, and helps avoid conflicting meeting dates. We encourage anyone organizing a meeting, seminar, or webinar to submit the event for inclusion on the calendar.

View the Arctic Calendar

News From: - Call for Input

Call for Sea Ice Outlook Contributions

Call for Sea Ice Outlook Contributions

Sea Ice Prediction Network (SIPN) team members announce the call for contributions to the 2023 Sea Ice Outlook (SIO) August report (based on May, June, and July data). Submission Deadline: 6:00 p.m. (AKDT) Wednesday, 16 August 2023 (firm).

Guidelines for Contributions

News From: - Publication

Witness Community Highlights

Evie Fachon examines water samples under a microscope. Photo by Lindsey Leigh Graham/NOAA.

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News From: - Report

Sea Ice Outlook July Report

2023 July Sea Ice Outlook Report

The 2023 June Sea Ice Outlook (SIO) Report is now available online. The SIO reports, developed by Sea Ice Prediction Network (SIPN) team members with contributions from the research community and citizen scientists, provide an open process for sharing sea ice predictions and information.

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News From: - Publication

Witness Community Highlights

School children participate in the planting of a small-scale community-based garden project of the Ka'a'gee Tu First Nation in Kakisa, NWT. Photo courtesy of Mindy Jewell Price.

The June 2023 issue of Witness Community Highlights is now available. This issue includes three articles focused on Arctic Indigenous food security: Arctic Community Observations and Western Science Document Impact of Climate Change on Food Security, Developing a Framework for Arctic Agroecology, and The Indigenous Foods Knowledges Network.

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News From: - Call for Input

Call for Sea Ice Outlook Contributions

Call for Sea Ice Outlook Contributions

Sea Ice Prediction Network (SIPN) team members announce the call for contributions to the 2023 Sea Ice Outlook (SIO) July report (based on May and June data). Submission Deadline: 6:00 p.m. (AKDT) Wednesday, 12 July 2023 (firm).

Guidelines for Contributions

News From: - Publication

Sea Ice Outlook June Report

2023 June Sea Ice Outlook Report

The 2023 June Sea Ice Outlook (SIO) Report is now available online. The SIO reports, developed by Sea Ice Prediction Network (SIPN) team members with contributions from the research community and citizen scientists, provide an open process for sharing sea ice predictions and information.

Read the Report

News From: - Webinar

Arctic Research Seminar with Alec Bennett

Arctic Research Seminar with Alec Bennett

Register for the virtual Arctic Research Seminar featuring Alec Bennett (University of Alaska Fairbanks) on “Arctic Sea Ice Decline and Geoengineering Solutions: Cascading Security and Ethical Considerations” that will take place online on 28 June at 9:00 a.m. AKDT.

Register Here

News From: - Webinar

Webinar on New Arctic Data Center

Arctic Data Center

The National Science Foundation has made an award to a national partnership, led by the National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (NCEAS) at the University of California Santa Barbara, to develop and curate the NSF Arctic Data Center, a new archive for Arctic scientific data as well as other related research documents. A webinar on Thursday, 21 April at 10:00am PDT will provide an opportunity to get more information about the NSF Arctic Data Center and will allow for feedback and additional insights into the needs of the Arctic research community.

More Information

News From: - Call for Input

Call for Sea Ice Outlook Contributions

Call for Sea Ice Outlook Contributions

Sea Ice Prediction Network (SIPN) team members announce the call for contributions for the 2023 Sea Ice Outlook (SIO) June report. The SIO provides an open process for those interested in Arctic sea ice to share ideas. Submission Deadline: 6:00 p.m. AK Monday, 12 June.

Guidelines for Contributions

News From: - Webinar

Arctic Research Seminar with Cana Uluak Itchuaqiyaq and Corina Qaaġraq Kramer

Arctic Research Seminar with Cana Uluak Itchuaqiyaq and Corina Qaaġraq Kramer

Register for the virtual Arctic Research Seminar featuring Cana Uluak Itchuaqiyaq (Iñupiaq scholar, Virginia Tech) and Corina Qaaġraq Kramer (Director of Operations at Aqqaluk Trust) on “Getting Started with Equitable Arctic Research at Any Stage of Your Project: Tips from Inuit Arctic Researchers” on 6 June at 9:00 a.m. AK.

Register Here

News From: - Publication

Witness Community Highlights

Example of stream disturbance by beaver lodge and dam. Photo courtesy of Ken Tape.

The May 2023 issue of Witness Community Highlights is now available. This issue includes three articles: Reflections on the Displacement of Yupik in Chukotka, New Partnership Between IARPC and UIC Science, and Arctic Beaver Observation Network—Tracking a New Disturbance Regime.

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News From: - Publication

Witness Community Highlights

Witness Community Highlights

The April 2023 issue of Witness Community Highlights is now available online. This issue includes two articles: Sediment, Ice, and Learning on the Tanana (SILT) River, an overview of the SILT project’s effort to better capture full sediment fluxes in the ice covered Tanana River and the related outreach activities with K–12 students in Alaska; and Doing Ethnography and Engaging with Indigenous Alaskan Communities Based on Ethnographers’ Identities an example of how the diversity of a research team, in terms of ethnic and national identity, and gender enables a more multifaceted approach to sociocultural studies.

For questions, or to suggest topics for future articles, please contact Betsy Turner-Bogren, ARCUS (betsy [at]

Read the Issue

News From: - Publication

SIPN Journal Article

SIPN Journal Article

We are excited to share a publication by Sea Ice Prediction Network-Phase 2 (SIPN2) team members: Blanchard-Wrigglesworth, E., Bushuk, M., Massonnet, F., Hamilton, L. C., Bitz, C. M., Meier, W. N., & Bhatt, U. S. (2023). Forecast skill of the Arctic Sea Ice Outlook 2008–2022. Geophysical Research Letters.

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News From: - Publication

Witness Community Highlights

Witness Community Highlights

The March 2023 issue of Witness Community Highlights is now available online. This issue includes three articles: Greenland's Largest Ice Stream Likely to Lose Ice Six Times Faster than Thought, an overview of new findings leading an interdisciplinary team to revise the assessment of the future mass loss of this sector; Improving the Arctic Observing Network in a Changing Environment: A Report Summary, highlights from a report to Congress on 13 December 2022 describing the need for a sustained Arctic Observing Network; and Reflections on a Recent Conference Session: Alaskan and Arctic Anthropology Since Russia's Invasion of Ukraine, a discussion of the rapid societal changes in Ukraine and in Chukotka as a result of the war, the related loss of hundreds of Indigenous hunters, reindeer herders, culture, language, and knowledge bearers, and the direct relevance for Arctic social sciences.

For questions, or to suggest topics for future articles, please contact Betsy Turner-Bogren, ARCUS (betsy [at]

Read the Issue