ARCUS Publication Directory

The ARCUS Publication Directory is a portal that includes science planning documents, white papers, newsletters, and other reports that are outside of the peer review literature.

The publications index is listed in chronological order beginning with the most recent publication.

Displaying 91 - 100 of 255 publications.
Year: 2017 - Publication

State of the Arctic Marine Biodiversity Report

CAFF, State of the Arctic Marine Biodiversity Report. Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna International Secretariat, Akureyri, Iceland. 2017. 200pp. 978-9935-431-63-9.

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Year: 2004 - Publication

Alaska Native Science Commission - What is Traditional Knowledge?

What is Traditional Knowledge? Alaska Native Science Commission, Anchorage, Alaska. 2004.

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Year: 2015 - Publication

Conduct of Traditional Knowledge Research – A Reference Guide

Peter Armitage, Stephen Kilburn, Conduct of Traditional Knowledge Research—A Reference Guide. Wildlife Management Advisory Council (North Slope), Whitehorse, Yukon. 2015. 107pp.

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Year: 2017 - Publication

Snow, Water, Ice and Permafrost: Summary for Policy-makers

Snow, Water, Ice and Permafrost: Summary for Policy-makers. Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (AMAP), Oslo, Norway. 2017. 20 pp.

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Year: 2012 - Publication

A Primer for Marine Scientists Planning Shipboard Work in Alaskan Arctic and Sub-Arctic Waters

United States Coast Guard. A Primer for Marine Scientists Planning Shipboard Work in Alaskan Arctic and Sub-Arctic Waters. A project of the Arctic Icebreaker Coordinating Committee. 2012.

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Year: 2010 - Publication

Community Based Monitoring Handbook: Lessons from the Arctic and Beyond

Victoria Gofman, Community Based Monitoring Handbook: Lessons from the Arctic and Beyond, CAFF CBMP Report No.21. CAFF International Secretariat, Akureyri, Iceland. 2010. 52 pp. ISBN 978-9979-9778-4-1.

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Year: 2008 - Publication

Negotiating Research Relationships with Inuit Communities: A Guide for Researchers

Scot Nickels, Jamal Shirley, Gita Laidler (eds.), Negotiating Research Relationships with Inuit Communities: A Guide for Researchers. Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami and Nunavut Research Institute, Ottawa and Iqaluit. 2008. 38 pp.

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Year: 2005 - Publication

Indigenous Knowledge Systems and Alaska Native Ways of Knowing

Barnhardt, R., & Kawagley, A. O., Indigenous Knowledge Systems and Alaska Native Ways of Knowing. Anthropology and Education Quarterly, 36(1), pp. 8-23. 2005.

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Year: 2000 - Publication

Guidelines for Respecting Cultural Knowledge

Guidelines for Respecting Cultural Knowledge. Alaska Native Knowledge Network, Fairbanks, Alaska. 2000. 33 pp.

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Year: 2005 - Publication

Principles for the Conduct of Research in the Arctic

Principles for the Conduct of Research in the Arctic. National Science Foundation, Arlington, Virginia. 2005. 3 pp.

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