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First Name Last Name Email
Lawrence Mysak mysak@zephyr.meteo.mcgill.ca

Organization: McGill University

Department: Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences

Title: Canada Steamship Lines Professor / Associate Professor

Specialties: sea ice, atmospheric sciences

Current Research: Modeling and analysis of the arctic climate system on interannual to interdecadal timescales, especially the sea ice cover and overlying atmosphere.

Knute Nadelhoffer knute@umich.edu

Organization: University of Michigan

Department: Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology University of Michigan Biological Station

Title: Director, University of Michigan Biological Station, Professor, Dept. of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology

Specialties: ecology, soil processes, biogeochemistry

Current Research: Trace gas exchanges (methane and CO2). Stable isotope biogeochemistry. Below-ground processes (nutrient) cycles and fine root dynamics. Trace gas fluxes.

Kharlampieva Nadezhda nkhar@rambler.ru

Organization: Saint Petersburg State University

Department: School of International Relations

Specialties: arctic policy, history, international relations

Kayhan Nadji kayhan_nadji@gov.nt.ca

Organization: Government of the Northwest Territories

Department: Public Works & Services

Title: Senior Project Officer

Specialties: architecture, snow, Inuit culture

Current Research: Architecture and construction techniques in the Arctic.

Takeshi Naganuma takn@hiroshima-u.ac.jp

Organization: Hiroshima University

Department: School of Biosphere Sciences

Specialties: microbiology

Current Research: Sea ecology. Molecular survey of Arctic microflora, both terrestrial and marine. Arctic Ridge (hydrothermal vent system.

James Nageak jnageak@arctic.nsbsd.k12.ak.us

Organization: Iḷisaġvik College

Title: Bilingual Coordinator

Specialties: linguistics

Current Research: Inupiaq Eskimo

Murielle Nagy muriellenagy@sympatico.ca

Organization: Pantheon-Sorbonne University

Department: Archéologie des Amériques

Title: Consultant in Anthropology and Archaeology, and Research Associate

Specialties: anthropology, archaeology, oral history

Current Research: Inuvialuit oral history. Oblate missionary Emile Petitot. Paleoeskimo archaeology. Zooarchaeology.

John Nagy john_nagy@gov.nt.ca

Organization: Government of the Northwest Territories

Department: Department of Resources, Wildlife and Economic Development

Specialties: muskox

Current Research: Musk ox productivity,. Over-winter survival of young animals. Commercial harvest levels to ensure a sustainable harvest in future.

Olga Naidina naidina@ilran.ru

Organization: Russian Academy of Sciences

Department: Biostratigraphy and Paleogeography of the Oceans

Title: Ph.D. in Geology

Specialties: quaternary palynology, quaternary stratigraphy, paleogeography

Current Research: Arctic Siberia. The Laptev Sea shelf. The Barents Sea. Quaternary Environment of the Eurasian North (QUEEN), a programme of the ESF.

A. Sathy Naidu sanaidu@alaska.edu

Organization: University of Alaska Fairbanks

Department: Institute of Marine Science

Title: Professor Emeritus

Specialties: sedimentology, paleoclimatology, trace metal contaminant monitoring and geochemistry, clay mineralogy, carbon cycle in mangrove ecosystem

Current Research: Trace metal and hydrocarbon contamination monitoring in the Alaskan arctic, carbon and nitrogen isotopes in sediments, mangrove carbon cycle

Kara Nance klnance@alaska.edu

Organization: University of Alaska Fairbanks

Department: Computer Science

Specialties: data processing/analysis, computer modeling, information systems/technology

Current Research: SynCon: A Knowledge Base System for the Assessment and Synthesis of Arctic Environmental Contamination.

Savithri Narayanan narayanans@dfo-mpo.gc.ca

Organization: Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Bedford Institute of Oceanography

Department: Marine Environmental Data Service

Title: Director

Specialties: physical oceanography, arctic science policy, data management

Current Research: International Arctic Buoy Program.

Siavash Narimousa narimosa@mizar.usc.edu

Organization: University of Southern California

Department: Department of Mechanical Engineering

Specialties: oceanography, air-sea-ice interactions, modeling

Current Research: Open Arctic ocean deep convection . Arctic shelf deep convection. Coastal Arctic currents.

Claus Naske ffcmn@uaf.edu

Organization: University of Alaska Fairbanks

Department: Department of History

Title: Professor Emeritus

Specialties: history, economics, political science

Current Research: Economic development and political institutions of populations inhabiting the circumpolar north.

Boris Natal'in natalin@itu.edu.tr

Organization: Istanbul Technical University

Department: Department of Geology

Specialties: structural geology, tectonophysics, plate tectonics

Current Research: Structural geology and tectonics of Chukotka/Alaska.

David Natcher dnatcher@mun.ca

Organization: Memorial University of Newfoundland

Department: Department of Anthropology

Title: Assistant Professor

Specialties: cultural anthropology, community sustainability, natural resources management

Current Research: Cooperative resource management. Institutionalism - cultural adaptation.

Jean-Jacques Nattiez nattiezj@musique.umontreal.ca

Organization: Université de Montréal

Department: Music Department

Title: Professor

Specialties: music, ethnomusicology

Current Research: Inuit and circumpolar traditional music. Semiotics and music analysis.

Kjell Nedreaas kjell.nedreaas@imr.no

Organization: Institute of Marine Research (Norway)

Department: Department of Marine Resources

Title: Head of Division

Specialties: fish populations, fisheries management, marine biology

Christian Nellemann christian.nellemann@ninalil.ninaniku.no

Organization: Norwegian Institute for Nature Research

Department: Division for Man-Environment Studies

Specialties: environmental impact assessment, disturbance ecology, habitat selection

Current Research: Impacts of industrial development on wildlife (Rangifer). Impacts of eco-tourism on wildlife. Local and circumpolar mapping of critical levels of anthropogenic disturbance. Range ecology. Grazing and carrying capacity. Winter ecology of muskox and reindeer. Methodology for predicting available/key habitats.

Brent Nelsen brent.nelsen@furman.edu

Organization: Furman University

Department: Department of Political Science

Specialties: political science

Current Research: Nowegian politics. Scandinavia and the European Union politics.

William Nelson wgnelson@gci.net

Title: Professor Emeritus

Specialties: ice engineering, snow engineering, oil spills

Current Research: Ice Formation in a High Energy Environment. Oil Spill Clean-up in Broken Ice. Control of Blowing Snow.

Frederick Nelson fnelson@msu.edu

Organization: Michigan State University

Department: Department of Geography

Title: Adjunct Professor

Specialties: permafrost, global change, geographic information systems

Current Research: Permafrost and global change. Active layer dynamics. Permafrost temperature.

Robert Nelson rnelson@coly.edu

Organization: Colby College

Department: Department of Geology

Specialties: quaternary paleoecology, quaternary geology, quaternary palynology

Current Research: Development of modern lowland tundra biome (palynology). Use of Coleoptera (beetles) as an environmental indicators in Quaternary and as modern environmental monitors. Arctic Slope environments and paleoenvironments.

Atle Nesje atle.nesje@geo.uib.no

Organization: University of Bergen

Department: Department of Earth Science

Title: Professor in Quaternary Geology

Specialties: paleoclimatology, glacial geology

Roland Neuber neuber@awi-potsdam.de

Organization: Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research

Department: Research Unit Potsdam

Specialties: atmospheric sciences, atmospheric physics, aeronomy

Current Research: Polar stratospheric ozone loss. Polar stratospheric clouds. Aerosol measurements in tropo- and stratosphere. Water vapor measurements. Lidar applications in tropo- and stratosphere.