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First Name Last Name Email
Kurt Schelle kurt.schelle@alaska.gov

Organization: Alaska Commercial Fisheries Entry Commission

Department: Alaska Department of Fish and Game

Title: Project Leader, Research & Planning

Specialties: economics, socio-economic impact assessment, fisheries

Current Research: Restricted access programs. Individual fishing quota programs.

Hans Werner Schenke schenke@awi.de

Organization: Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research

Department: Department of Geosciences

Specialties: bathymetry, geodesy, remote sensing

Current Research: Edit 1:100,000 bathymetry charts Fram Strait from multibeam surveys in the Arctic Ocean with “Polarstern.”

William Schertzer william.schertzer@ec.gc.ca

Organization: Environment and Climate Change Canada

Department: Climate Change Impacts Group

Title: Research Scientist

Specialties: hydrology, climate change, water quality

Current Research: physical climatology/hydrometeorology investigations of lakes with emphasis on radiative and turbulent heat transfer, hydrological budgets and development of long-term climatology of lake thermal components physical limnological research with emphasis on modelling of lake heat budget and temperature; modelling of large lakes in northern regions (GEWEX-MAGS) task Committee for Forecasting Environmental Change (IIASA) and collaborative research on ecosystem responses (LaMP)

Silke Schiewer sschiewer@alaska.edu

Organization: University of Alaska Fairbanks

Department: Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering

Title: Professor

Specialties: environmental engineering, environmental remediation, environmental contaminants

Current Research: Bioremediation at low temperatures, Biosorption of heavy metals, and Membrane fouling.

Joshua Schimel schimel@lifesci.ucsb.edu

Organization: University of California, Santa Barbara

Department: Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Marine Biology

Title: Professor

Specialties: soil ecology, biogeochemistry, tundra ecology

Current Research: Tundra N cycling. Soil organic matter characterization.

Debra Schindler dlschind@htc.net

Title: Research Associate

Specialties: anthropology, socio-economic impact assessment, indigenous peoples

Current Research: Chukchi Autonomous Okrug. INSROP consultant preparing socio-economic impact materials.

Tom Schiøtte tschioette@snm.ku.dk

Organization: National History Museum, University of Copenhagen

Department: Invertebrate Workgroup, State Natural History Museum (Zoology)

Title: Assistant Curator, Mollusks

Specialties: marine invertebrates, marine biology, zoology

Current Research: Invertebrate zoology Systematics and zoogeography of primarily Arctic, marine mollusks, secondarily other Arctic, marine invertebrates. Current focus is on species distribution and depth zonation 1) around Greenland and 2) on continental slopes of the Greenland-Norwegian Sea Basin.

Danara Schirina dschirina@mail.ru

Organization: Institute of the Humanities and the Indigenous Peoples of the North, Siberian Branch (Russian Academy of Sciences)

Department: Center of Arctic Research

Title: Professor of History

Specialties: history, history of polar research

Current Research: The international cooperation in Arctic Region.

Peter Schlederman schleder@ucalgary.ca

Specialties: archaeology, anthropology, demography

Current Research: Canadian high Arctic. Greenland.

Pawel Schlichtholz schlicht@iopan.gda.pl

Organization: Polish Academy of Sciences

Department: Institute of Oceanology

Specialties: ocean circulation

Current Research: Thermohaline circulation in the Nordic Seas: European Subpolar Programme.

Scott Schliebe scott_schliebe@fws.gov

Organization: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Department: Marine Mammals Management

Title: Wildlife Biologist (Polar Bear Project Leader)

Specialties: population ecology, wildlife management, subsistence

Current Research: Evaluating effects of changing environment on polar bear population; Assessing sustainable uses under decline population regimes; Mitigating human activities within polar bear habitat.

Reiner Schlitzer rschlitzer@awi-bremerhaven.de

Organization: Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research

Department: Geosystems Department

Title: Ph.D.

Specialties: modeling, ocean circulation, biogeochemistry

Current Research: Siberian River Run-Off: high resolution modeling of particulate and dissolved matter transport and sedimentation.

Peter Schlosser schlosser@asu.edu

Organization: Columbia University

Department: Global Futures Laboratory

Title: Vice President and Vice Provost; University Global Futures Professor

Specialties: Same as presently listed

Current Research: Deep water formation in the Greenland Sea. Deep water formation and circulation in the Arctic Ocean. Freshwater balance of the Arctic Ocean. Contaminant transport in the Arctic Ocean. Gas exchange between ocean and atmosphere

Michael Schmid mschmid@ipoe.uni-kiel.de

Organization: University of Kiel

Department: Institute for Polar Ecology

Specialties: benthic ecology, ecophysiology, nutrition interactions

Current Research: Laptev Sea (German- Russian cooperation).

Stefanie Schmidberger stefanie.schmidberger@ualberta.ca

Organization: University of Alberta

Department: Earth and Atmoshpheric Sciences

Specialties: geochemistry, geology

Current Research: Investigation of the chemical and istopic composition and the stabilization age of the subcratonic lithosphere beneath the Canadian Arctic using the geochemical characteristics of mantle xenoliths and kimberlites.

Thomas Schmidlin tschmidl@kent.edu

Organization: Kent State University

Department: Department of Geography

Title: Associate Professor

Specialties: geography, climatology, snow

Current Research: Sub-arctic snow covers. Winter thaws. Snow loads for building design.

Dana Schmidt danas@fishgame.state.ak.us

Organization: Alaska Department of Fish and Game

Department: Commerical Fisheries Management and Development Division

Title: Principal Limnologist

Specialties: limnology, marine ecology

Current Research: Limnology.

Inger Kappel Schmidt iks@kvl.dk

Organization: University of Copenhagen

Department: Botanical Institute

Specialties: nutrition interactions, plant ecology, soil processes

Current Research: Carbon-nutrient interactions. Plant-microbe interactions. Biogeochemistry. Long-term experiments on climate change.

Torben Schmith ts@dmi.dk

Organization: Danish Meteorological Institute

Department: Climate Research Division

Title: M.Sc.

Specialties: climate modeling, ocean-atmosphere interactions, climate change

Current Research: Decadal climate variability involving the ocean and sea ice. Atmospheric repsonse to extratropical SST-anomalies.

David Schneider a84dcs@mun.ca

Organization: Memorial University of Newfoundland

Department: Department of Ocean Science

Title: Professor

Specialties: ecology, biostatistics

Russell Schnell russell.c.schnell@noaa.gov

Organization: U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Department: Global Monitoring Division

Title: Deputy Director

Specialties: atmospheric sciences, climate change, global change

Current Research: Monitoring of greenhouse gases, ozone, ozone-depleting gases, aerosols, solar and infrared radiation at Baseline Observatories, including the NOAA/CMDL Pt. Barrow, Alaska Observatory.

Kenneth Schoenberg ken_schoenberg@nps.gov

Organization: U.S. National Park Service

Department: Cultural Resources

Title: Archaeologist

Specialties: archaeology, anthropology, paleoecology

Current Research: Arctic archaeology. Early migrations into the New World. Culture history of Alaska. Lithic Technology.

Heiko Schoenfuss hschoenfuss@stcloudstate.edu

Organization: St. Cloud State University

Department: Aquatic Toxicology Laboratory

Title: Associate Professor of Anatomy

Specialties: whale anatomy, marine mammals, evolution

Current Research: Morphology and histology of the bowhead whale larynx. Sound production in cetaceans. Secondary adaptations to aquatic environment.

Monica Schoenwaélder moschoenwaelder@awi-bremerhaven.de

Organization: Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research

Specialties: algae, marine biology

David Scholl dscholl@pangea.stanford.edu

Organization: Stanford University

Department: Department of Geophysics

Title: Consulting Professor

Specialties: marine geology, marine geophysics, tectonics

Current Research: Origin and evolution of the Aleutian-Bering Sea region. Origin and resource implications of massive deposits (VAMP structures) of methane hydrate in the Bering Sea Basin. Paleoceanography of the north Pacific-Bering Sea region. Tectonism of the Aleutian Ridge and its history of magmatic growth.