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First Name Last Name Email
Michael Bravo mb124@cam.ac.uk

Organization: Scott Polar Research Institute (University of Cambridge)

Department: Department of Geography

Title: Head, Science and Development Research Group

Specialties: Indigenous knowledge, history of science, cultural anthropology

Current Research: Science and Development Research Group currently embraces a range of topics including environmental management, the role of media in development, the history and philosophy of science, and environmental history.

Anthony Brazel abrazel@asu.edu

Organization: Arizona State University

Department: Department of Geography

Title: Professor Emeritus

Specialties: geography, microclimatology, climatology

Current Research: Synoptic climatology related to glaciers. Assessment of global climate models with real data sets of climate.

Amy Breen albreen@alaska.edu

Organization: University of Alaska Fairbanks

Department: International Arctic Research Center

Title: Research Assistant Professor

Current Research: Her research interests include the history, evolution and distribution of arctic and alpine floras. Amy's current research program aims to assess the impact of disturbance and climate change on arctic tundra by adapting a boreal forest fire regime and vegetation succession model to the tundra and investigating post-fire vegetation succession trajectories in tundra ecosystems. In addition, she is affiliated with the Alaska Geobotany Center and is working with that group to create an Alaska prototype for the Arctic Vegetation Archive that will unite and harmonize the vegetation-plot data from the Arctic tundra biome for use in developing a pan-Arctic vegetation classification and as a resource for climate-change and biodiversity research.

Asgeir Brekke asgeir.brekke@uit.no

Organization: UiT: The Arctic University of Norway

Department: Department of Physics

Title: Professor

Specialties: ionospheric physics, auroral studies, aeronomy

Current Research: I am currently working on the EISCAT projects in the mainland Scandinavia and at Svalbard. I am also affiliated with the University Center at Svalbard (UNIS)

Mary Brekke mbr013@post.uit.no

Organization: UiT: The Arctic University of Norway

Department: Department of Research and Development

Title: Lecturer Emerita

Specialties: education

Current Research: Professional knowledge in the Norhern countries.

Tom Brent tom.brent@canada.ca

Organization: Natural Resources Canada

Department: Geological Survey of Canada - Calgary

Title: Regional Geophysicist

Specialties: geophysics, permafrost

Current Research: Seismic stratigraphy and structure of Sverdrup basin, arctic platform, Franklinian Basin. Seismic interpretation of base permafrost and base gas hydrates.

Marion Bret-Harte msbretharte@alaska.edu

Organization: University of Alaska Fairbanks

Department: Institute of Arctic Biology (IAB)

Title: Associate Professor

Specialties: plant ecology, tundra ecology, physiological ecology

Current Research: <p>Comparing growth responses, and effects on ecosystem processes of individual plant species and functional groups of plant species exposed to environmental change in tundra at Toolik Lake, Alaska.</p>

Christopher Bretherton breth@washington.edu

Organization: University of Washington

Department: Department of Atmospheric Sciences

Title: Professor

Specialties: boundary-layer meteorology, climate modeling

Current Research: Comparison of SHEBA atmospheric boundary layer and cloud observations with weather forecast and climate models.

Karen Brewster karen.brewster@alaska.edu

Organization: University of Alaska Fairbanks

Department: Inupiat History - Language and Culture Department

Title: Research Associate, Oral History Program

Specialties: Inuit culture, ethnohistory, oral history

Current Research: Life history of Inupiaq elders. North Slope History. Multimedia interactive computer access to oral history and photographs. Historic photographs. Archives and collection management.

Mauricio Brichta mbrichta@awi.de

Organization: Instituto Brasileiro do Meio Ambiente e dos Recursos Naturais Renováveis

Department: Department of Pelagic Ecosystems

Specialties: biological oceanography, marine ecology, phytoplankton

Current Research: Biogeochemical flux (biogenic particles) flowing into deep Greenland Sea. Initiating work on phytoplankton charaterization.

Peter Brickell peter.brickell@ec.gc.ca

Organization: Environment and Climate Change Canada

Department: Department ARQM

Title: Research Chemist

Specialties: atmospheric chemistry, hydrocarbon chemistry, air pollution

Current Research: Volatile organic compound measurements in arctic air.

William Briggs brigg837@wmconnect.com

Organization: University of Colorado Boulder

Department: Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research (INSTAAR)

Specialties: micropaleontology, paleoceanography, paleoclimatology

Current Research: Late Quaternary paleoceanography of the Arctic Ocean. Canadian Arctic Archipelago. Denmark Strait.

Lawson Brigham lwbrigham@alaska.edu

Organization: University of Alaska Fairbanks

Department: UA Geography Program

Title: Researcher, IARC, UAF & Gloabl Fellow, Wilson Center

Specialties: arctic policy, oceanography, sea ice

Current Research: Chair, Arctic Marine Shipping Assessment of the Arctic Council. Research on arctic sea ice and changing marine access in the Arctic Ocean. Research on sea ice and ocean processes in the Russian Arctic. Studies on the future of the Northern Sea Route. Development of arctic scenarios or plausible futures.

Julie Brigham-Grette jbg92@umass.edu

Organization: University of Massachusetts, Amherst

Department: Geosciences

Title: Professor

Specialties: Paleoclimate

Current Research: My research interests are focused on the stratigraphy, sedimentology, and chronology of geologic systems that record the climate evolution and sea level history of the Arctic since the mid-Pliocene. Most of my research program is aimed at documenting the global context of paleoenvironmental change across “Beringia”, i.e., the Bering Land Bridge, stretching across the western Arctic from Alaska and the Yukon into NE Russia including the adjacent marginal seas. Starting 3 decades ago with fieldwork on the sea level history and glacial stratigraphy of vast Arctic coastal plains and coastal environments in comparison with regional alpine glaciation, I am now focused on the integration of records from marine and lacustrine systems.

Doug Bright dbright@hemmera.com

Organization: Hemmera

Department: Centre for Economic Development and Applied Research

Title: Environmental Risk Assessment

Specialties: aquatic toxicology, biogeochemistry, climate change

Current Research: Fate of globally distributed contaminants in arctic marine and freshwater systems. Interactive reponses of freshwater fish to climate change and contaminated-induced stress.

Henk Brinkhuis h.brinkhuis@uu.nl

Organization: Utrecht University

Department: Institute of Environmental Biology

Title: Professor

Specialties: marine geology, phytoplankton, climate change

Current Research: Barentsz Sea, North Atlantic

Robin Brinkmeyer brinkmer@tamug.edu

Organization: Texas A&M University at Galveston

Department: Department of Biological Oceanography

Specialties: microbiology, marine ecology, ice

Current Research: Microbial diversity and ecology of sea ice.

William Bristow wabristow@alaska.edu

Organization: University of Alaska Fairbanks

Department: Geophysical Institute (GI)

Title: Professor

Specialties: auroral studies, atmospheric physics

Current Research: Upper atmospheric physics. Main arctic research project is the SuperDARN radar located in Kodiak, Alaska which observed the upper atmosphere from the south coast of Alaska to the region beyond the north coast of Alaska well into the Arctic.

John Brittain j.e.brittain@nhm.uio.no

Organization: University of Oslo

Department: Natural History Museum and Botanical Garden

Title: Senior Research Scientist and Professor

Specialties: stream ecology, limnology, radioactive isotopes

Current Research: Arctic and alpine freshwaters: glacial rivers, alpine streams and lakes. Stream macroinvertebrates. Studies across European latitudinal and altitudinal gradients. Freshwater entomolgy. Radioecology. Impacts of hydropower development.

Noel Broadbent broadbentn@si.edu

Organization: Smithsonian Institution

Department: Arctic Studies Center

Title: Research Associate

Specialties: archaeology

Christian Brochmann christian.brochmann@nhm.uio.no

Organization: University of Oslo

Department: Department of Natural History Museums and Botanical Garden

Title: Professor

Specialties: plant systematics, molecular modeling, biogeography

Current Research: Arctic plant phylogeny and phylogeography. Quaternary plant evolution. Polyploid evolution. Molecular systematics. Conservation genetics of arctic plants. Currently involved in several circumpolar projects.

Martin Bromann Klausen mbk@dlc.ku.dk

Organization: Stellenbosch University

Title: Senior Lecturer

Specialties: structural geology, petrology

Current Research: East Greenland. Iceland. Scandinavian Caledonides.

David Bromwich bromwich.1@osu.edu

Organization: Ohio State University

Department: Byrd Polar Research Center

Title: Research Professor

Specialties: meteorology, climatology

Current Research: Precipitation studies over Greenland, the Arctic Ocean, and the arctic river basins.

Robin Bronen robin.bronen@akijp.org

Organization: Alaska Institute for Justice

Department: Institute of Arctic Biology

Title: Executive Director

Current Research: Research focus on community-based adaptation to climate change. Current and previous projects:
•NOAA (PI): Resilient Alaska Native Coastal Communities: Integrated Social-ecological Monitoring and Assessment Supporting Adaptation Decisions (Current);
•NSF: Adaptive coupling of human-environment linkages in response to globally driven changes in rural Alaska (Current);
•Climate Change and Land Project: (customary land law, internal resettlement and new settlements as possible components to comprehensive rights-based solution to climate displacement) (Current);
•Munich Re Foundation: Resilience Academy – international research collaborative examining livelihood resilience (Current);
•NSF(PI ): Community-based relocation workshop between Carteret Islands, Papua New Guinea and Newtok, Alaska;
•Institute for the Study of International Migration, Georgetown
University: Crisis Migration Project;
•UNEP (United Nations Environment Program)-GRID Arendal
/Many Strong Voices (SIDS/Arctic collaboration on the human rights of community-based relocation);
•University of Alaska Community Partnership for Self-Reliance
and Sustainability (collaboration with Alaska Native communities in order to assist them to implement their concept of self-reliance for their community)

Edward Brook brooke@geo.oregonstate.edu

Organization: Oregon State University

Department: Department of Geosciences

Title: Professor

Specialties: geochronology, geochemistry, geoclimatology

Current Research: Ice cores. Quaternary geology.f