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First Name Last Name Email
Florent Domine florent@lgge.obs.ujf-grenoble.fr

Organization: Université Laval

Department: Glaciology Laboratory

Title: Senior Scientist

Specialties: air-sea-ice interactions, snow chemistry, snow physics

Current Research: Microphysical evolution of the snowpack during metamorphism. Coupling between physical and chemical evolution. Impact of the snowpack on atmospheric chemistry. Snow-climate interactions and the exploration of new feedback loops. Field validation of snow remote sensing, in particular by developing field methods to measure snow specific surface area.

Douglas Donahue djd@physics.arizona.edu

Organization: University of Arizona

Department: Department of Physics

Title: Professor Emeritus

Specialties: physics, radioactive isotopes, radiocarbon dating

Current Research: In-situ production of 14C in Polar ice.

Lisa Doner ladoner@plymouth.edu

Organization: Plymouth State University

Department: Climate Team

Title: Associate Professor

Specialties: paleoclimatology, global change, paleoecology

Current Research: Late-Holocene paleoclimates on Baffin Island and Iceland, from lake sediments.

Xiquan Dong xdong@email.arizona.edu

Organization: University of Arizona

Department: Atmospheric Sciences

Title: Professor

Specialties: meteorology

Current Research: Arctic clouds from surface and satellite remote sensing

Mary Donohue engle@biology.ucsc.edu

Organization: University of Hawaii at Manoa

Department: Organismal Biology

Title: Program Specialist

Specialties: physiological ecology, marine mammals, bioenergetics

Current Research: Physiological ecology of marine mammals. Energetics and development of northern fur seals, Callorhinus ursinus.

Christopher Donta cdonta@resgs.umass.edu

Organization: SWCA Environmental Consultants

Title: Cultural Resources Lead

Specialties: archaeology, anthropology, Native studies

Current Research: Pacific Eskimo of Kodiak Island.

Julie Doorack ftjed@uaf.edu

Organization: University of Alaska Fairbanks

Department: Department of Community Psychology

Specialties: psychology, public health, social work

Current Research: Seasonal Affective Disorder. Schizophrenia in the Extreme North.

Peter Doran pdoran@lsu.edu

Organization: Louisiana State University

Department: Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences

Title: John Franks Endowed Chair

Specialties: limnology, lake ice, sedimentology

Current Research: Climatic controls of lake water and ice dynamics in the Canadian High Arctic.

Craig Dorman c.dorman@alaska.net

Organization: Retired

Specialties: science management, oceanography

Current Research: S&T Policy; Academic and Research Adminictration

Wolfgang Dorn wdorn@awi-potsdam.de

Organization: Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research

Department: Research Department Potsdam

Specialties: climate modeling, atmospheric physics, meteorology

Current Research: Regional atmospheric climate modeling for the Arctic. Arctic circulation and climate changes induced by natural climate variability or external forcings. Understanding of the physical processes and mechanisms.

Mark Dornblaser mmdornbl@usgs.gov

Organization: U.S. Geological Survey

Department: Water Resources Division

Title: Chemist

Specialties: water quality, greenhouse gas emissions from lakes and rivers

Current Research: Water quality and greenhouse gas emissions in the Yukon River basin.

H. Peter Dörrenbächer p.doerren@mx.uni-saarland.de

Organization: Saarland University

Department: Department of Geography

Title: Professor

Specialties: Native governments, regional planning, government policy

Current Research: Institutionalization of Indigenous regions. Indigenous self-government structures.

Stan Dosso sdosso@uvic.ca

Organization: University of Victoria

Department: School of Earth and Ocean Sciences

Title: Director, Professor

Specialties: acoustics, ice geophysics, geophysics

Current Research: Seismo-acoustic propagation is sea ice, particularly investigating the use of geophones on the ice surface to monitor acoustic propagation within the water column. Interested in acoustic localization in the Arctic.

Nancy Doubleday doublen@mcmaster.ca

Organization: McMaster University

Department: Philosophy

Title: Professor

Specialties: cryosphere, environmental health, geography

Current Research: Human-environment interactions Law -International Polar Year - PPS Arctic-Impacts of Changing Treeline -Photos and plants through time -Dietary Choice: adaptive co-management and regime development; black carbon and environmental change; material, memory and meaning; indigenous knowledge; peace and health

Thomas Douglas thomas.a.douglas@usace.army.mil

Organization: Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory

Department: Biogeochemical Sciences

Title: Senior Scientist

Specialties: geochemistry, soil science, hydrology, permafrost scisnce

Current Research: Snow chemistry Snow-atmosphere interactions Mineral weathering and soil development Explosives contamination of cold regions soils Snow albedo

David Douglas ddouglas@usgs.gov

Organization: USGS Alaska Science Center

Title: Research Wildlife Biologist, USGS Alaska Science Center

Specialties: satellite remote sensing, GIS, satellite tracking, sea ice

Current Research: Habitat dynamics

Sidney Draggan draggan.sidney@epamail.epa.gov

Department: Office of the Administrator

Title: Special Assistant for Science

Specialties: arctic science policy, pollution, ecology

Current Research: Risk assessment. Human health. Ecotoxicology.

Helge Drange helge.drange@gfi.uib.no

Organization: Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center

Department: G. C. Rieber Climate Institute

Title: Professor

Specialties: climate modeling, CO2 modeling, sea ice modeling

Lynda Dredge ldredge@gsc.nrcan.gc.ca

Organization: Natural Resources Canada

Department: Geological Survey of Canada

Title: Quaternary Geologist/Geomorphologist

Specialties: glacial geology, geomorphology, permafrost

Current Research: Quaternary geology and geomorphology of Baffin Island. Regional resource development related to diamond exploration. Educational packages for northern schools and parks. Melville peninsula. Northern Canadian mainland. Hudson Bay.

Laurie Meijer Drees laurie.meijerdrees@viu.ca

Organization: Vancouver Island University

Department: First Nations Studies Department

Title: Chair and Professor

Specialties: religion/belief systems

Current Research: Anglican church in the Canadian Arctic. Fairbanks Native Association.

Kelly Drew kdrew@alaska.edu

Organization: University of Alaska Fairbanks

Department: Institute of Arctic Biology (IAB)

Title: Professor

Specialties: neurochemistry, neurobiology, medical sciences

Current Research: Natural tolerance to cerebral ischemia and hypothermia in hibernating arctic ground squirrels using in vivo microdialysis to assess neurotransmitter release and cerebral metabolism. Novel (non-exocytotic) mechanisms regulating microdialysis to assess neurotransmitter release from neurons and glia.

Mark Drinkwater mark.drinkwater@esa.int

Organization: European Space Agency

Department: Mission Science Division (EOP-SM)

Title: ESA - Head / Mission Science Division

Specialties: cryospheric remote sensing, electromagnetic modeling, computer modeling

Current Research: Sea ice dynamics and thermodynamics in the Arctic basin. Sea ice in the Beaufort, Greenland, and Labrador seas. Greenland snow and ice facies and seasonal-interannual variability in the ice sheet in response to key climate variability such as the Arctic Oscillation. Ice sheet geophysics. Ocean-atmosphere interactions.

Neal Driscoll ndriscoll@ucsd.edu

Organization: Scripps Institution of Oceanography

Department: Geology & Geophysics Department

Title: Professor

Specialties: marine geology, geophysics, stratigraphy

Current Research: Laptev Sea.

Sheldon Drobot sheldon.drobot@harris.com

Organization: Harris Space & Intelligence

Department: Research Applications Lab

Title: Principal for Noble Causes

Specialties: atmospheric sciences, climatology, sea ice remote sensing

Robert Drozda lheppler@polarnet.com

Organization: University of Alaska System

Title: Ethnogeographics

Specialties: Yup'ik culture, ethnology

Current Research: Yup’ik ethogeography, oral history, and place names.