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First Name Last Name Email
Ole Jorgen Lonne ole.jorgen.lonne@imr.no

Organization: Institute of Marine Research (Norway)

Title: Research director

Specialties: marine ecology, sea ice biota, benthic ecology

Chauncey Loomis chauncey.c.loomis.jr@dartmouth.edu

Organization: Dartmouth College

Specialties: history

Current Research: History of arctic exploration.

Maarten Loonen m.j.j.e.loonen@rug.nl

Organization: University of Groningen

Department: Arctic Centre

Title: Associate Professor

Specialties: avian ecology, plant/herbivore relations, animal behavior

Current Research: Arctic Ecology , Grazing, Parasitology , Barnacle goose, Arctic Tern, Spitsbergen, Svalbard

Stefan Lopatka slopatka@polarnet.ca

Organization: Nunavut Tunngavik Inc.

Department: Department of Lands and Resources

Title: M.Sc.A., Senior Advisor

Specialties: arctic science policy

Glenn Lopez glenn.lopez@sunysb.edu

Organization: State University of New York at Stony Brook

Department: Marine Sciences Research Center

Title: Professor

Specialties: benthic ecology, benthic oceanography, marine invertebrates

Current Research: I am working on an NSF project with Lisa Clough (East Carolina University), Will Ambrose (Bates College), and Ming-Yi Sun (University of Georgia) investigating the digestibility of ice algae and phytoplankton by benthos. My component of this project is to measure absorption efficiencies of the two food sources by benthic invertebrates.

Michael Loranty mloranty@colgate.edu

Department: Geography

Title: Associate Professor

Specialties: Terrestrial ecosystem, biosphere-atmosphere interactions.

Stephen Loring lorings@si.edu

Organization: Smithsonian Institution Arctic Studies Center

Title: Museum Anthropologist/Arctic Archaeologist

Specialties: anthropology, archaeology, ethnohistory

Current Research: Labrador: archaeology and ethnohistory on Innu and Inuit peoples. Western Aleutian Islands: paleoecology, archaeology, peopling of the New World, maritime adaptations. Alaska: whaling, regional cultural development on the North Slope, the Yukon-Kuskokwim region and Bering Straits. Public policy in the circumpolar north.

Philip Loring ploring@alaska.edu

Organization: University of Alaska Fairbanks

Department: Alaska Center for Climate Assessment and Policy

Title: Research Assistant Professor

Specialties: anthropology, agriculture, ecology

Current Research: Food systems and climate change; sustainable agriculture

Olga Loskutova loskutova@ib.komisc.ru

Department: Ural Division

Specialties: benthic ecology, invertebrate ecology, oil spills

Current Research: zoobenthos of Ural Rivers; Plecoptera and Ephemeroptera

Torleif Lothe torleif.lothe@cmr.no

Organization: Christian Michelsen Research

Department: ConMar

Specialties: instrumentation, physical oceanography, sea ice monitoring

Current Research: Air deployable weather stations. Drifting buoys. Oceanographic sub ice shelf sensor chain. Acoustic ice thickness monitoring. Automated ship weather observation.

Vanessa Lougheed vlougheed@utep.edu

Organization: The University of Texas at El Paso

Department: Biological Sciences

Title: Assistant Professor

Specialties: aquatic ecology

Amy Lovecraft allovecraft@alaska.edu

Organization: University of Alaska Fairbanks

Department: Department of Political Science

Title: Center for Arctic Policy Studies Director, Professor

Current Research: In her research, Dr. Lovecraft explores power dynamics in social-ecological systems. Her scholarship has been published as book chapters and in journals such as Arctic, Marine Policy, The American Review of Canadian Studies, Polar Geography, Policy Studies Journal, and the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Recently she is co-editor of the transdisciplinary volume North by 2020: Perspectives on Alaska’s Changing Social-Ecological Systems (Autumn 2011) that developed from collaboration during the International Polar Year. She has been a Dickey Fellow in Arctic Studies at Dartmouth College and a Fulbright Research Scholar in Norway at the Center for International Climate and Environmental Research (CICERO). She has served two terms as a member of the U.S. National Academies Polar Research Board and is he Associate Director of the North by 2020 Forum. Currently, as the Principle Investigator on a three-year National Science Foundation grant, she leads a team working with resident experts in the Northwest Arctic and North Slope Boroughs on scenarios development asking "what is required for healthy sustainable communities in Arctic Alaska by 2040?"

James Lovvorn lovvorn@siu.edu

Organization: Southern Illinois University

Department: Biological Sciences

Title: Professor

Specialties: avian ecology, aquatic ecology, bioenergetics

Current Research: Habitat relations of sea ducks in the Bering Sea, epibenthic predators and benthic food webs.

Ronald Lowe ronald.lowe@lli.ulaval.ca

Organization: Université Laval

Department: Department of Linguistics

Title: Professor

Specialties: linguistics

Current Research: Western Canadian Eskimo Dialects (Siglitun, Uummarmiutun and Kangiryuarmiutun).

Marie Lowe mlowe@alaska.edu

Organization: University of Alaska Anchorage

Department: Institute of Social and Economic Research (ISER)

Title: Assistant Professor of Anthropology

Specialties: cultural anthropology, resource management, social change

Current Research: Cultural and natural resource management in the Bering Sea area.

Douglas Lowenthal dougl@dri.edu

Organization: Desert Research Institute

Department: Atmospheric Sciences Center

Title: Associate Research Professor

Specialties: atmospheric chemistry, air pollution, atmospheric sciences

Current Research: Sources, long-range transport of Arctic Haze.

Lloyd Lowry llowry@hawaii.rr.com

Organization: University of Alaska Fairbanks

Department: School of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences

Title: Affiliate Associate Professor, University of Alaska Fairbanks, School of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences

Specialties: marine mammals, marine biology, marine ecology

Current Research: Biology and ecology of beluga whales, bowhead whales, ringed, bearded, spotted, ribbon, and harbor seals. Determining distribution and abundance of arctic marine mammals. Using satellite-linked telemetry to study the biology and behavior of arctic marine mammals. Marine mammal-fishery interactions. Recovery programs for endangered and threatened species.

Wendy Loya wendy_loya@fws.gov

Organization: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Department: Research Department

Title: Arctic Landscape Conservation Cooperative Coordinator

Specialties: biogeochemistry, ecology, soil microbiology

Current Research: Carbon cycling in arctic tundra. Toolik Lake LTER, Alaska.

Lasse Lønnum lasse.lonnum@adm.uit.no

Organization: UiT: The Arctic University of Norway

Title: Director University of Tromsø

Specialties: management, chemistry

Current Research: Arctic research and educational policy.

Terje Brinck Løyning terje.b.loyning@npolar.no

Organization: Norwegian Polar Institute

Department: Research Department

Specialties: oceanography, sea ice, fluid mechanics

Current Research: Shelf oceanography of the western Barents Sea. Observational and theoretical investigations of mixing processes in cold sea water, with emphasis on thermobaric effects on buoyant convection.

Dan Lubin dlubin@ucsd.edu

Organization: Scripps Institution of Oceanography

Title: Research Physicist

Specialties: atmospheric physics, climate change, remote sensing

Keith Lucas lucas@anvil.nrl.navy.mil

Organization: U.S. Naval Research Laboratory

Department: Environmental Effects Branch

Title: Head, Marine Corrosion Facility/Research Materials Engineer

Specialties: materials engineering, ocean engineering, marine geochemistry

Current Research: Materials degradation and performance in cold/warm natural seawater environments. Effects of seawater physiochemical properties on cathodic protection behavior and calcareous deposition.

Cornelia Lüdecke c.luedecke@lrz.uni-muenchen.de

Title: independent researcher

Specialties: History of polar research, history of meteorology, climatology

Current Research: I work on the history of German polar research and the history of the International Polar Year. I am especially interested in the development of meteorological measurements in the Arctic since the 18th century.

Dean Lueck lueck@montana.edu

Organization: Montana State University

Department: Agricultural Economics & Economics

Specialties: economics, law, wildlife management

Current Research: Property rights to wildlife: caribou & reindeer. Common property rights to natural resources. Oil and gas conservation.

Bret Luick ffbrl@uaf.edu

Organization: University of Alaska Fairbanks

Department: Institute of Arctic Biology (IAB)

Specialties: nutrition interactions, animal physiology, physiological ecology

Current Research: Animal energetics. Nutrition modeling. Nutrient dynamics.