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First Name Last Name Email
Rai McCutcheon browndj@ucalgary.ca

Organization: Arctic Institute of North America

Department: Resources and the Environment Programme

Specialties: Native issues, social change

Current Research: Cross-cultural research on empowerment of women, with a focus on education and a comparison with women in India.

G. Williamson McDiarmid

Organization: University of Washington

Title: Boeing Professor of Teacher Education

Specialties: education, Alaska public policy

Current Research: Curriculum development with indigenous people. Teacher learning in cross-cultural settings. Native Alaska Curriculum and Teacher Development Project (U.S. DOE). Market Demand for Distance Delivered Education in Alaska (UAA).

Ian McDonald ian_mcdonald@pch.gc.ca

Organization: Parks Canada

Department: Western Arctic Field Unit

Title: Conservation Biologist

Specialties: environmental monitoring, biology, wildlife management

Current Research: Environmental monitoring, Dall sheep, muskoxen, caribou, peregrine falcons, climate change.

James McDonald mcdonald@unbc.ca

Organization: University of Northern British Columbia

Department: Anthropolgy

Title: President of ACUNS

Specialties: cultural anthropology, ethnohistory, Native studies

Current Research: Colonization and de-colonization in northern Canada and north Pacific Coast.

Lyman McDonald lymanmcd@uswest.net

Organization: Western EcoSystems Technology

Title: President and Senior Biometrician

Specialties: biostatistics

Current Research: Design and statistical analysis of polar bear denning surveys. Chief statistician on the Alaska Predator Ecosystem Experiment (APEX) and the Nearshore Vertebrate Predator (NVP) projects in Prince William Sound.

Kyle McDonald kmcdonald2@ccny.cuny.edu

Organization: City University of New York

Department: Earth and Atmospheric Sciences

Specialties: remote sensing, ecology, hydrology

Current Research: Mapping freeze/thaw in Alaskan boreal forest with NSCAT. Boreal forest growing season length.

Thomas McDonald t-mcdonald12332@tamu.edu

Organization: Texas A&M University, College Station

Department: Geochemical and Environmental Research Group

Specialties: geochemistry, environmental chemistry, oil spills

Current Research: RCAC work in Cook Inlet and Prince William Sound.

Preston McEachern preston@ualberta.ca

Organization: University of Alberta

Department: Department of Biological Sciences

Title: Ph.D. Candidate

Specialties: aquatic ecology, biogeochemistry, modeling

Current Research: Modeling chemical and primary production characteristics of lakes and streams in the boreal subarctic. Attempting to integrate the biogeochemistry of their peatland-dominated watersheds and natural disturbance regimes.

Jim McElwaine jim@orange.lowtem.hokudai.ac.jp

Organization: Hokkaido University

Department: Institute of Low Temperature Science

Specialties: snow mechanics, snow physics, fluid mechanics

Current Research: Snow transport modeling. Snow transport (aeolian saltation and suspension, snow avalanche dynamics, granular flows).

Donald McEwen mcewen@dansas.usask.ca

Organization: University of Saskatchewan

Department: Department of Physics and Engineering Physics

Title: Professor Emeritus

Specialties: auroral studies, space physics, aeronomy

Current Research: Polar auroras, atmospheric dynamics, magnetosphere - ionosphere interactions.

Terry McFadden ffttm@uaf.edu

Organization: University of Alaska Fairbanks

Department: Department of Civil and Mechanical Engineering

Title: Professor Emeritus

Specialties: permafrost engineering, materials engineering, engineering

Current Research: Stabilizing foundations of structures built on permafrost. Building in cold climates.

Joe McFadden mcfadden@geog.ucsb.edu

Organization: University of California, Santa Barbara

Department: Department of Geography

Title: Assistant Professor

Specialties: ecosystem science, atmospheric sciences

Current Research: Micrometeorology. Land-atmosphere interactions. Landscape ecology. Plant physiological ecology. Regional climate modeling. Evaporation. Surface energy budget. Snow modeling.

Scott McGee smcgee@gci.net

Organization: Juneau Icefield Research Program

Department: Geodetic Branch

Specialties: glaciology, survey research, geodesy

Current Research: Determining glacier movement and mass balance changes, with the use of GPS and theodolite/EDM survey methods. Tracking temporal and spatial changes in the flow and mass balance regimes of the glaciers of the Juneau Icefield, Alaska. Differential GPS (real-time and rapid static). Theodolite/EDM surveying. Modelling glacier movement, surface elevation, and mass balance changes.

Robert McGhee robert.mcghee@civilization.ca

Organization: Retired

Department: Arctic Archaeology

Title: Curator

Specialties: archaeology, history, climate change

Current Research: Prehistory of Arctic North America. History of Inuit-European contacts.

Thomas McGovern tmcgovern@gc.cuny.edu

Organization: City University of New York

Department: Department of Anthropology

Title: Professor

Specialties: archaeology

Current Research: Working on a very early site called Hofstadir. Venture of new NABO education working group. Working on producing CD versions of osteological manuals and archaeological reports in a new series for the NABO pubs group.

Suzanne McGowan sum@geus.dk

Organization: Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland

Department: Department of Environmental History and Climate

Specialties: paleolimnology, algae, climate change

Current Research: Determination of climate change and its effects in West Greenland using diatoms and paleopigments in laminated, high-resolution lake sediment records.

Janet Tamalik McGrath tamalik@sympatico.ca

Organization: Self

Title: Consultant

Specialties: Indigenous knowledge, Inuktitut language, cultural studies

Current Research: Indigenous knowledge research "Inuit Qaujimajatuqangit" in Nunavut; Inuktitut language development in Nunavut; conflict resolution studies and research (interpersonal and cross-cultural).

A. David McGuire admcguire@alaska.edu

Organization: University of Alaska Fairbanks

Department: Institute of Arctic Biology

Title: Professor

Specialties: global change, modeling, biogeochemistry

Current Research: Role of high latitude ecosystems in global carbon cycle. Response of high latitude ecosystems to global change.

Sherry McHugh sherry.mchugh@c-core.ca

Organization: Memorial University of Newfoundland

Department: Remote Sensing Department - C-CORE

Title: Remote Sensing/GIS Specialist

Specialties: remote sensing, environmental engineering, computer modeling

Stacie McIntosh s05mcint@blm.gov

Organization: Bureau of Land Management Alaska

Department: Northern Field Office

Title: Anthropologist

Specialties: cultural anthropology, subsistence, Indigenous knowledge

Current Research: Inupiat science, cross-cultural communication, and cognitive anthropology, particularly culture-specific perception and world-view research.

Carol McIntyre carol_mcintyre@nps.gov

Organization: U.S. National Weather Service, Alaska Region

Department: Center for Resources, Science, and Learning

Title: Wildlife Biologist

Specialties: avian ecology, bird migration, bird populations

Current Research: Population ecology of raptors. Habitat requirements of northern nesting raptors. Predator/prey relationships. Landscape ecology. Satellite telemetry.

Daniel McKay dmckay@crrel.usace.army.mil

Organization: Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory

Title: Environmental Engineer

Specialties: environmental remediation

Ruth McKechnie ruth.mckechnie@ainc-inac.gc.ca

Organization: Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada

Department: Northern Oil and Gas Branch

Title: Chief, Conservation Policy

Specialties: arctic policy, sustainable development

Current Research: Sustainable development. Arctic Council activities.

Jay McKendrick jdm@gci.net

Specialties: revegetation, tundra ecology, oil spills

Current Research: Tundra revegetation: Revegetation of salt-damaged soils, oil-damaged soils, sand dunes and exploration drilling sites. Monitoring vegetation damages and recovery. Long-term soil fertility monitoring. Locations: NORA, Prudhoe Bay, Badami pipeline route.

Melissa McKinney melissa.mckinney@mcgill.ca

Organization: University of Connecticut

Department: Natural Resources and the Environment/Center for Environmental Sciences and Engineering

Title: Assistant Professor

Specialties: Marine Ecology and Ecotoxicology