Investigators participating in the three Bering Ecosystem Study (BEST) cruises on the USCGC Healy in 2008 met to discuss their plans on the Coast Guard Base at Pier 36 in Seattle. The three cruises included:

  • A short early spring cruise concentrating on the benthic environment south of St. Lawrence Island, 13-26 March 2008 (HLY0801).
  • A longer spring cruise on the eastern Bering Sea shelf, 29 March-6 May 2008 (HLY0802).
  • A summer cruise on the eastern Bering Sea shelf, 20 June-18 July 2008 (HLY0803).

Additional meetings were held on Wednesday, 28 November, and Friday, 30 November, to discuss specific logistical and cruise planning issues in detail. Information about those sessions is available from Lee Cooper, HLY0801 chief scientist, Carin Ashjian, HLY 0802 chief scientist, or Ray Sambrotto, HLY 0803 chief scientist.

Summary of BEST Principal Investigators' Meeting Summary (PDF - 147 KB)