News From: - Events

Anchorage Arctic Research Day

Anchorage Day of Arctic Research (Photo Courtesy: Diane Hirshberg)

On March 24, 2017, ARCUS and the University of Alaska Anchorage will hold the first Anchorage Arctic Research Day, in UAA's Rasmuson Hall. This event will bring together the rich Arctic research community within the municipality of Anchorage so that we can share information about the diversity of research and creative activity being conducted by researchers from a broad array of organizations, and foster new connections and collaborations.


News From: - Webinar

Arctic Research Seminar Series Recording Now Available

John Farrell

A recording is now available of the ARCUS D.C. Arctic Research seminar/webinar featuring Dr. John Farrell, Executive Director of the U.S. Arctic Research Commission. John's presentation provides an update on the work of the U.S. Arctic Research Commission and speaks on the topic of science and public policy.

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News From: - Education

Welcome 2017 PolarTREC Teachers

Photo by Peggy McNeal

ARCUS welcomes the new 2017 cohort of PolarTREC teachers to Fairbanks, Alaska! They have arrived for their weeklong PolarTREC Orientation. PolarTREC (Teachers and Researchers Exploring and Collaborating) is a program in which middle and high school teachers spend 3-6 weeks participating in hands-on field research experiences in the polar regions. Check out where the teachers will be going, which research projects they will be working on, who they will be working with, and where they will be going.

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News From: - Workshop

Polar Prediction Workshop 2017 and 2nd SIMIP Meeting

The brown coloration in the ice is caused by sea-ice diatoms that attach to the ice using a secreted mucus.  These sea-ice diatoms are important for the Antarctic ecosystem. Nathaniel B. Palmer, Gerlache Strait. October 2 2016

REMINDER: Call for Abstracts and Registration for the Polar Prediction Workshop 2017 (PPW 2017) and the 2nd Sea Ice Model Intercomparison Project Meeting (2nd SIMIP Meeting). Both events are jointly organized by the Polar Climate Predictability Initiative (WCRP-PCPI), the (Polar Prediction Project WWRP-PPP), the Sea Ice Prediction Network (SIPN), and the Sea Ice Model Intercomparison Project (SIMIP). The workshops will convene 27 to 30 March 2017 at Deutsches Schiffahrtsmuseum in Bremerhaven, Germany.

Registration and abstract submission deadline: Monday, 30 January 2017.

More information as well as registration and abstract submission forms are available here.

Or, follow instructions from the link to the Science Workshops page found on the Polar Prediction website.

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News From: - Report

2016 Sea Ice Outlook Post-Season Report Now Available

Remnants of sea ice off Cape Mountain in Bering Strait, 27 May 2016 (Photo: Amos Oxeorok).

The Sea Ice Prediction Network (SIPN) announces availability of the 2016 Arctic Sea Ice Outlook (SIO) Post-Season Report! The SIO is an activity of the SIPN project as a contribution to the Study of Environmental Arctic Change (SEARCH).

The organizers thank the groups and individuals that contributed to the 2016 Sea Ice Outlook; there were a total of 104 submissions of pan-Arctic September extent forecasts, with 30 in June, 35 in July, and 39 in August (a record number of contributions). This year for the first time organizers also collected forecasts of the extent in the combined Chukchi, Bering, and Beaufort seas, which they refer to as the "Alaskan Region."

The post-season report was developed by the 2016 Sea Ice Outlook Post-Season Action Team, the SIPN Leadership Team, and with input provided to an earlier draft of the post-season report via circulation on the SIPN mailing list.

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News From: - Webinar

Arctic Research Seminar Series Recording Now Available

A recording of the latest ARCUS D.C. Arctic Research seminar/webinar featuring Craig Fleener, State of Alaska Arctic Policy Advisor, is now available. Craig's presentation highlights key Arctic research priorities from a state policy perspective, focusing on the important role that science and research should play in improving the day-to-day lives of local Alaskans.

Watch on YouTube

News From: - Webinar

Arctic Research Seminar Series Registration

Craig Fleener

Registration is now open for the ARCUS D.C. Arctic Research seminar/webinar featuring Craig Fleener Arctic Policy Advisor for the State of Alaska. The event will be held Wednesday, 11 January 2017 from 12:00-1:00pm ET. Registration is required for both the live event, held at the ARCUS D.C. office, and online webinar.


News From: - Announcement

Happy Holidays

ARCUS Holiday Card

Happy Holidays from everyone at ARCUS, and thank you to our colleagues, collaborators, and members for a wonderful year. If you or your organization have not yet joined ARCUS as a member, now is the time!

Membership Info

News From: - Announcement

ARCUS Individual Memberships Now Available

Join ARCUS now

For the month of December, we are offering Individual Memberships for only $25! As an ARCUS member you will help to support our mission and vision of linking international Arctic researchers, educators, communities, and other stakeholders who are promoting discovery and understanding of the Arctic. Join the ARCUS community now and support the ongoing research and innovative educational initiatives that are helping to shape the future of the Arctic and our planet.

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News From: - Announcement

SEARCH in the News


SEARCH Executive Director Brendan Kelly was quoted in an article, "Arctic's year of crazy extremes as warming hits overdrive", which covered the release of NOAA's Arctic Report Card—a peer-reviewed report summarizing the state of the Arctic system.

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News From: - Meeting

ARCUS Annual Meeting and Community Reception

Annual Meeting Invite

Join other Arctic researchers in conversation, networking, and socializing at the ARCUS 2016 Annual Meeting and Arctic Research Community Reception on Wednesday, 14 December 2016 from 6:00-8:30 p.m. PST at the San Francisco Marriott Marquis hotel. No ticket or reservations are required. For members unable to join in person, a teleconference option will also be provided.

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News From: - Meeting

SEARCH Town Hall


The Study of Environmental Arctic Change (SEARCH) will hold an open Town Hall meeting on Monday, 12 December from 12:30 - 1:30 p.m. PT in the Foothill E room of the San Francisco Marriott Marquis hotel. At the event, SEARCH leads will introduce new Arctic change information resources and discuss how researchers, agencies, and stakeholders can contribute to and participate in SEARCH activities. The event will be live-streamed for online participation.


News From: - Meeting

SEARCH at the AGU Fall Meeting

Join the Study of Environmental Arctic Change (SEARCH) next week (11-16 December) in San Francisco for the American Geophysical Union's 2016 Fall Meeting. The SEARCH community will have a large presence at the conference and we invite you to connect with us at one of our many sessions or events.

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News From: - Publication

New Scientific American Article on Permafrost Thaw

A new article published in the December 2016 issue of Scientific American highlights how the Arctic's thawing tundra will likely accelerate global climate change. The article was written by Dr. Ted Schuur, leader of SEARCH's Permafrost Action Team.

Read the Article

News From: - Webinar

Arctic Research Seminar Series Recording Now Available

Hajo Eicken's Presentation Slide

A recording of the last ARCUS D.C. Arctic Research seminar/webinar “Observations and Predictions for Arctic Sea-Ice Use: Perspectives from Coastal Alaska” featuring Hajo Eicken of University of Alaska Fairbanks is now available. Hajo's presentation explores how combinations of surface-based observations, Indigenous and local knowledge, and remote sensing can be used to react and respond to rapid change in coastal ice environments.

Watch on YouTube

News From: - Webinar

December 1, 2016: Celebrate Antarctica Day

Photo by Tim Spuck (PolarTREC 2012)

Join us for a special international day of activities including a live event from McMurdo, Antarctica on December 1 with PolarTREC teacher Tim Dwyer and the research team looking at Polar Gigantism in Antarctica. Learn more about the importance of the Antarctica Treaty and how it impacts research being conducted in Antarctica. This event is in celebration and coordination with ARCUS, APECS, and Our Spaces. For additional Antarctica Day activities, check out this website.

Event Time: 8:00am AKST [9am PST, 10am MST, 11am CST, 12pm EST].

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News From: - Meeting

Sea Ice Prediction Network Meeting at AGU

San Francisco Cable Car

The Sea Ice Prediction Network (SIPN) announces an open meeting on Tuesday, 13 December 2016 from 12:15-1:15 p.m. in San Francisco, California, during the American Geophysical Union (AGU) fall meetings. The meeting will provide a forum to: re-cap the 2016 Arctic sea ice/Sea Ice Outlook season; discuss the next phase of SIPN and how best it can meet the needs of network participants; and share information on relevant efforts and potential collaborations. A boxed lunch will be provided for meeting participants who RSVP by end-of-day Tuesday, 6 December 2016.

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News From: - Call for Input

Sea Level Projections Survey

The SEARCH Land Ice Action Team wants to help stakeholders interested in future projections of sea level connect with needed information. Are you concerned about sea level rise in your community? Please help us find the best way to communicate information to coastal communities and stakeholders by completing our brief survey. Responses due by Monday, November 21st.

Complete the Survey

News From: - Publication

Witness the Arctic

Witness the Arctic

The Fall 2016 issue of Witness the Arctic is now published online. This issue includes several perspectives on the significance of the Arctic Science Ministerial meeting held 28 September in Washington, D.C.; updates on SEARCH program activities, new working groups, and discussion about the Sea Ice Outlook; NSF funded projects in the Arctic natural and social sciences; recent ice trials for the R/V Sikuliaq; services provided by the Arctic Data Center; news of key personnel changes in NSF's Division of Polar Programs; spotlights on Arctic research efforts; interagency updates from USARC, IARPC, PRB, the Alaska Fire Consortium, and the HAARP facilities; and comments from ARCUS Executive Director, Robert Rich.

View Witness the Arctic

News From: - Meeting

Permafrost Carbon Network Annual Meeting Registration

Permafrost Carbon Network Logo

The 6th Annual Meeting of the Permafrost Carbon Network will take place on Sunday, December 11 (9:00am-5:00pm) at the Parc 55 Hotel in San Francisco, CA. This is an open science meeting and all researchers with an interest in permafrost carbon research synthesis are invited to attend. The meeting registration deadline is 14 November 2016.


News From: - Job Opening

ARCUS Seeking Executive Administrative Assistant

ARCUS is looking for a highly motivated and experienced administrative professional to join our team. The Executive Administrative Assistant reports directly to the Executive Director (located in the Washington, DC ARCUS office). The primary job is to provide support to the Executive Director, which will enable his focus on key organizational and strategic issues. This is a part-time (20 hours/week) non-exempt position. It is intended as a primarily work-from-home position in the DC/MD//VA area, with the possibility of meetings and other work in the ARCUS Washington, DC office.

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News From: - Webinar

Arctic Research Seminar Series Registration

Hajo Eicken. Photo by Matthew Druckenmiller

Registration is now open for the next ARCUS D.C. Arctic Research seminar/webinar featuring a presentation on observations and predictions of Arctic sea-ice use by Hajo Eicken of the University of Alaska Fairbanks. The event will be held Wednesday, 30 November from 12:00-1:00pm EDT. Registration is required for both the live event, held at the ARCUS D.C. office, and online webinar.


News From: - Meeting

AGU Community Meeting Room Available

Meeting space for groups working on Arctic research and education activities will be available for use by appointment during the Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union (AGU). This space is provided by ARCUS to encourage scientific collaboration and to facilitate face-to-face meetings of opportunity.

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News From: - Webinar

Arctic Research Seminar Series Recording Now Available

Arctic Seminar Series Presentation Slide

A recording of the last ARCUS D.C. Arctic Research seminar/webinar “Forty Years of Change: A Seabird Responds to a Melting Arctic” featuring George Divoky of Friends of Cooper Island is now available. George's presentation discusses the consequences of regional climate change for the Black Guillemots of Cooper Island, Alaska.

Watch on YouTube

News From: - Education

PolarConnect Event with PolarTREC Teacher Maggie Kane

NASA's P-3 Orion aircraft. Photo by Mark Buesing.

Join us for a PolarConnect Event with PolarTREC teacher Maggie Kane and the NASA Operation IceBridge Team. We will be hosting the PolarConnect event from the team's base in Punta Arenas, Chile on Wednesday, 2 November 2016 at 11:15am AKDT (12:15pm PDT, 1:15pm MDT, 2:15pm CDT, 3:15pm EDT).

This is a real-time event with Colorado teacher Maggie Kane and the research team. They will be sharing experiences and observations of their work flying above Antarctica. Read more about the research and what Maggie is learning here.

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