ARCUS Publication Directory

The ARCUS Publication Directory is a portal that includes science planning documents, white papers, newsletters, and other reports that are outside of the peer review literature.

The publications index is listed in chronological order beginning with the most recent publication.

Displaying 21 - 30 of 255 publications.
Release Date: - Sea Ice Outlook

Sea Ice Outlook: 2022 July Report

Outlook Report

Executive Summary

We express our thanks to all the groups and individuals who submitted their contribution to the 2022 July Sea Ice Outlook (SIO) report and for your continued support.

We received 30 contributions of September sea-ice extent that included pan-Arctic predictions, 10 from dynamical models, 19 from statistical models and one based on heuristic methods. Of the 30, nine also included predictions for pan-Antarctic extent and eight included predictions for the Alaska Region (Bering, Chukchi, and Beaufort seas). There were 12 submissions of September

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Release Date: - Sea Ice Outlook

Sea Ice Outlook: 2022 June Report

Outlook Report

Executive Summary

Once again, we express our thanks to all groups and individuals who submitted their contributions to the June 2022 Sea Ice Outlook (SIO) report. We appreciate your continuing efforts to support our annual activities amid these difficult times and your busy schedules.

We received 37 contributions of September sea-ice extent that included pan-Arctic forecasts; of these, ten included predictions for the Alaska region (Bering, Chukchi, and Beaufort seas) and nine included predictions for pan-Antarctic. This year's median forecasted value

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Year: 2022 - Publication

ARCUS Interdisciplinary Research Committee Report: Understanding and Overcoming Collaborative Arctic Research Challenges

ARCUS Interdisciplinary Research Committee, Understanding and Overcoming Collaborative Arctic Research Challenges. Arctic Research Consortium of the U.S., Fairbanks, AK. 2022. 31 pp.

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Year: 2022 - Publication

Community and Citizen Science in the Far North Conference Report

Community and Citizen Science in the Far North Conference Report. Arctic Research Consortium of the US (ARCUS), Fairbanks, Alaska. 2022. 9 pp.

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Year: 2022 - Publication

2021 ARCUS Annual Meeting Report

Myers, B., Wiggins, H., Sheffield Guy, L. (eds). 2021 ARCUS Annual Meeting Report. Arctic Research Consortium of the US (ARCUS), Fairbanks, Alaska. 2022. 7pp.

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Year: 2020 - Publication

Community-Based Monitoring in the Arctic

Finn Danielsen (ed.), Community-Based Monitoring in the Arctic. University of Alaska Press, Fairbanks, Alaska. 2020. 250 pp.

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Year: 2021 - Publication

2021 ARCUS Annual Report

Myers, B., Wiggins, H. (eds). 2021 ARCUS Annual Report. Arctic Research Consortium of the US (ARCUS), Fairbanks, Alaska. 2021.

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Year: 2018 - Publication

National Inuit Strategy on Research

National Inuit Strategy on Research. Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. 1998. 48 pp. ISBN: 978-0-9699774-2-1.

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Release Date: - Witness the Arctic

Witness the Arctic | Volume 25, Number 2 - Fall

This issue includes news about the NSF Polar Cyberinfrastructure Program, recent grants awarded to Early-Career Polar Investigators, and two NSF-funded research projects: a RAPID-funded study of the spatiotemporal dynamics of the COVID-19 pandemic in the Arctic and an NNA-funded study of interactions and feedbacks within permafrost-agroecosystems. This issue also includes summary news from the Engaging Rural and Alaska Native Undergraduates and Youth in Arctic STEM workshop and the Community and Citizen Science in the Far North conference; updates from the US Arctic Research Commission, the

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