ARCUS Publication Directory

The ARCUS Publication Directory is a portal that includes science planning documents, white papers, newsletters, and other reports that are outside of the peer review literature.

The publications index is listed in chronological order beginning with the most recent publication.

Displaying 221 - 230 of 255 publications.
Release Date: - Sea Ice Outlook

Sea Ice Outlook: 2012 July Report


With 21 responses for the Pan-Arctic Outlook (plus 5 regional Outlook contributions), the July Sea Ice Outlook projects a September 2012 arctic sea extent median value of 4.6 million square kilometers (Figure 1). The consensus is for continued low values of September sea ice extent. Individual responses are based on a range of methods: statistical, numerical models, comparison with previous rates of sea ice loss, composites of several approaches, estimates based on various non-sea ice datasets and trends, and subjective information.

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Release Date: - Witness the Arctic

Witness the Arctic | Volume 16, Number 2 - Spring

Witness the Arctic Volume 16, Number 2 - Spring 2012

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Release Date: - Sea Ice Outlook

Sea Ice Outlook: 2012 June Report

With 19 responses for the Pan-Arctic Outlook (plus 6 regional Outlook contributions), the June Sea Ice Outlook projects a September 2012 arctic sea extent median value of 4.4 million square kilometers, with quartiles of 4.3 and 4.7 million square kilometers (Figure 1). This compares to observed September values of 4.6 in 2011, 4.9 in 2010, and 5.4 in 2009. Both the 2012 quartile values and the range (4.1 to 4.9) are quite narrow. The 2012 June Outlook differs from all previous Outlooks in that there are no projections of extent greater than 5.0.

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Release Date: - Witness the Arctic

Witness the Arctic | Volume 16, Number 1 - Winter

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Release Date: - Sea Ice Outlook

Sea Ice Outlook: 2011 Post-Season Report



  • Twenty-six groups contributed to the 2011 Sea Ice Outlook.

  • The sea ice monthly extent for September 2011 was 4.6 million square kilometers, based on National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) estimates. This was the second lowest extent behind 2007 and 2.4 million square kilometers below the 1979 to 2000 average.

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Release Date: - Witness the Arctic

Witness the Arctic | Volume 15, Number 3 - Fall

Fall 2011

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Release Date: - Sea Ice Outlook

Sea Ice Outlook: 2011 September Report

September Brief Update

The outlook contributions with a brief update on ice conditions in late August and early September highlight several important points.

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Release Date: - Sea Ice Outlook

Sea Ice Outlook: 2011 August Report


Many thanks to all contributors to the August Sea Ice Outlook. We received 21 responses for the Pan-Arctic report (Figure 1), with estimates in the range of just below 4.0 million square kilometers to as high as 5.4 million square kilometers for the September arctic mean sea ice extent. As in the July Outlook, the median value was 4.6 million square kilometers with quartile values of 4.3 and 4.6 million square kilometers, a rather narrow range.

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Release Date: - Sea Ice Outlook

Sea Ice Outlook: 2011 July Report


Thank you to all contributors of the July Sea Ice Outlook. We received 16 responses for the Pan-Arctic report (Figure 1), with estimates in the range of 4.0 to 5.5 million square kilometers for the September arctic mean sea ice extent. The median value was 4.6 million square kilometers; the quartile values were 4.3 and 4.7 million square kilometers, a rather narrow range given the intrinsic uncertainty of the estimates on the order of 0.5 million square kilometers.

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Release Date: - Sea Ice Outlook

Sea Ice Outlook: 2011 June Report

Pan-Arctic Summary

The 2011 June Outlook suggests a modest decrease for summer 2011. With 19 responses for the pan-arctic (and 7 for the regional outlook), including several new contributors, the June Sea Ice Outlook projects a September 2011 arctic sea extent median value of 4.7 million square kilometers (Figure 1). This compares to observed September values of 4.7 in 2008, 5.4 in 2009, and 4.9 in 2010.

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