ARCUS Publication Directory

The ARCUS Publication Directory is a portal that includes science planning documents, white papers, newsletters, and other reports that are outside of the peer review literature.

The publications index is listed in chronological order beginning with the most recent publication.

Displaying 241 - 250 of 255 publications.
Release Date: - Witness the Arctic

Witness the Arctic | Volume 7, Number 1 - Winter

Distribution Date: 10 February 2000

Volume 7, Number 1

Feature Article

* Healy Prepares for Arctic Operations

Arctic Logistics

* Research Support and Logistics Group Updates Priorities

* U.S. and Norway Sign Agreement to Promote Joint Polar Research

* Stephenson Named Arctic Research Support and Logistics Program Manager

* Nothernmost Community Focusses on Research Support

ARCSS Program Updates

* ARCSS Committee Advances Integrative Agenda

* PARCS Research Encompasses PALE and ESH

* OAII Shares Results at Second All-Hands Meeting


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Release Date: - Witness the Arctic

Witness the Arctic | Volume 5, Number 1 - Spring

Distribution Date: 12 May 1997
Volume 5, Number 1

Feature Article

* GISP2 Ice Core Is Long, Continuous and Detailed Record

ARCSS Program Updates

* ARCSS Research Community Prepares New Science Plan

* RAISE Draft available for Review

* NSF Tests Feasibility of Winter Studies at Summit Camp

* Greenland Overwinter Studies Meeting

* First OAII Investigator Workshop Is Open to All

* LAII Moves Into Synthesis of Current Phase

* PALE Merges with NSF Earth Systems History Initiative

* New Initiative Seeks Regional and Integrative Syntheses


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Release Date: - Witness the Arctic

Witness the Arctic | Volume 6, Number 1 - Summer

Distribution Date: 13 July 1998
Volume 6, Number 1

Feature Article

* Past Environmental Change in the Arctic: A PALE Contribution to Arctic System Science

ARCSS Program Updates

* New Science Plan Guides ARCSS Research

* Ledbetter, Gilbert Awarded for Excellence

* Workshop Confirms Significant Arctic Change

* All-Hands Workshop Report

* New ARCSS Science Plan Available

* LAII Research Moves West

* Global Change Biology Publishes ITEX Results

* OAII Receiving Data from Beaufort Sea Pack Ice

* RAISE Prospectus Available

* PALE PI Meeting

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Release Date: - Witness the Arctic

Witness the Arctic | Volume 6, Number 2 - Winter

Distribution Date: 5 February 1999
Volume 6, Number 2

Feature Article

* Team Pioneers All-Winter Research at Greenland Summit

ARCSS Overview

* ARCSS Committee Advances Integration

* ARCSS Educational CD-ROM Available

ARCSS Program Updates

* LAII/ATLAS Collects Baseline Data to Bracket Transitions

* The 9th Annual ITEX Meeting

* OAII Completes the SHEBA Year

* Study of the Environmental Arctic Change (SEARCH)

* PALE Atlas Serves as Model for Circumarctic Syntheses

ARCSS Opportunities

* Svalbard Offers Extensive Logistics

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Release Date: - Witness the Arctic

Witness the Arctic | Volume 9, Number 1 - Fall

Distribution Date: 25 October 2001
Volume 9, Number 1

Feature Article

* SCICEX Sonars Chart New Topographies, New Theories

The Interagency Study of Environmental Arctic Change (SEARCH)

* SEARCH Develops Implementation Framework

Arctic Upper Atmosphere Research

* Auroral Studies Shed Light on the Physics of Space

* CEDAR Observations Map the Arctic's Upper Atmosphere

ARCSS Program Updates

* ARCSS Plans All-Hands Workshop for February 2002

* ARCSS Components to Meet Novemeber 2001

* LAII Prepares for All-Hands Meeting, Upgrades Web Site

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Release Date: - Witness the Arctic

Witness the Arctic | Volume 8, Number 1 - Summer

Distribution Date: 04 August 2000
Volume 8, Number 1

Feature Article

* Native Observations Capture Impacts of Sea Ice Changes

Arctic Logistics

* Research Support and Logistics Group Updates Priorities

* U.S. and Norway Sign Agreement to Promote Joint Polar Research

* Stephenson Named Arctic Research Support and Logistics Program Manager

* Nothernmost Community Focusses on Research Support

ARCSS Program Updates

* ARCSS Committee Encourages Information Exchange

* SEARCH Gains Interagencey and International Recognition

* OAII Researchers Visit USCGC

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Release Date: - Witness the Arctic

Witness the Arctic | Volume 9, Number 2 - Summer

Distribution Date: 19 July 2002
Volume 9, Number 2

Feature Article

* Ancient Ice, Cool Science Brings the Public Face to Face with Climate Change Research in the North

Arctic Upper Atmosphere Research

* Noctilucent Clouds Connected to Greenhouse Gases

NSF News

* Biocomplexity Awards Fund Arctic Research Topics

* Funds Available to Study Arctic Freshwater Cycle and Land/Ocean Linkages

ARCSS Program

* ARCSS All-Hands Workshop Shapes Future Directions

* Ledbetter Passes the Torch

* ARCSS Focuses on Sustainability, Predictability, Feedbacks

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Release Date: - Witness the Arctic

Witness the Arctic | Volume 10, Number 1 - Spring

Distribution Date: 01 April 2003
Volume 10, Number 1

Feature Article

* SBI Project Completes Four Cruises in First Field Season

NSF News

* NSF Highlights Broader Impacts, Environmental Systems

* Issue of Arctic Research Focuses on Wildlife

Arctic Upper Atmosphere Research

* Space Weather Strongly Affects Arctic Upper Atmosphere

ARCSS Program

* ARCSS Committee Aims for Long-term Synthesis

* New NSF ARCSS Program Director Reviews Progress

* JOSS Online Field Catalog Supports SBI Cruises

* Metadata is Vital to Long-term Utility of Data

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Release Date: - Witness the Arctic

Witness the Arctic | Volume 11, Number 1 - Spring

Distribution Date: 10 May 2004
Volume 11, Number 1

Feature Article

* International Meeting Explores Change in the Arctic

* The Evolution of the SEARCH Effort

* 2004 SEARCH Science Steering Committee

NSF News

* NSF Seeks New Director, Plans for Cyberinfrastructure

* Arctic Sciences Section at NSF

Arctic Research Support and Logistics

* New Logistics Report Available

* VPR Unites Resources, Expertise to Support Researchers

* Arctic Projects Demonstrate Power, Potential of GIS

* Plans Move Forward for Alaska Region Research Vessel


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Release Date: - Witness the Arctic

Witness the Arctic | Volume 12, Number 1 - Summer

Distribution Date: 10 July 2006
Volume 12, Number 1

Feature Article

* Closing the Gap Between Scientific Research and Education

* Advancing Science Education Through Teacher Research Experiences in the Arctic

Arctic Social Sciences Program

* Study Explores Social Effects of TB in Southwest Alaska

* Project Reveals Saami Prehistory in Coastal Sweden

Arctic System Science Program

* ARCSS Investigators Contribute to Synthesis Efforts

* New ARCSS Projects Pursue System-scale Synthesis

* PARCS Synthesizes Records to Describe Past Climates


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