Displaying 1901 - 1925 of 4100

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First Name Last Name Email
Taneli Kolstrom taneli.kolstrom@uef.fi

Organization: University of Eastern Finland

Department: Mekrijarvi Research Station

Title: Professor

Specialties: forest ecology, forestry, dendrochronology

Brenda Konar bhkonar@alaska.edu

Organization: University of Alaska Fairbanks

Department: College of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences

Title: Principal Investigator of Alaska NSF EPSCoR

Specialties: marine ecology, macroalgae, benthic ecology

Current Research: - phycology - research scuba diving - biodiversity - monitoring programs - nearshore ecology - ecosystem change - benthic ecology My current arctic and subarctic research includes examining kelp forest interaction webs in the Aleutian archipelago, evaluating walrus foraging habitats around St Lawrence Island, surveying nearshore biodiversity in rocky habitats along the North Pacific and in the arctic, and examining recovery in high arctic kelp communities in the Beaufort Sea.

Max König max.koenig@npolar.no

Organization: Norwegian Polar Institute

Department: Research Department

Specialties: glaciology, remote sensing

Current Research: Remote sensing of snow and glaciers.

Vyacheslav Konishchev cryoglac@geogr.msu.ru

Organization: Moscow State University

Department: Department of Cryolithology and Glaciology

Title: Professor

Specialties: permafrost, periglacial environment, quaternary geology

Current Research: Permafrost history of Northern Russia and Northern Asia.

William Koolage william.koolage@umanitoba.ca

Organization: University of Manitoba

Department: Department of Anthropology

Title: Senior Scholar

Specialties: anthropology, Athabaskan studies, Inuit culture

Current Research: Arctic Blue Books: 19th century British Parliamentary papers on exploration in the Canadian Arctic.

Racelle Kooy projects@attc.ca

Title: Projects Manager

Specialties: tourism

Current Research: Aboriginal tourism, tourism- policy and research. Research is generally national in scope: meaning that NWT, Yukon and Nunavut are incorporated

Robert Kopperl kopperlr@u.washington.edu

Organization: University of Washington

Department: Burke Museum of Natural History and Culture

Title: Affiliate Curator

Specialties: archaeology, fish populations, marine mammals

Current Research: Mid- to High-Latitude Coastal Archaeology.

Michele Koppes koppes@u.washington.edu

Organization: University of Washington

Department: Quaternary Research Center

Title: Associate Professor, Geography

Specialties: glacimarine processes, glaciology, environmental policy

Current Research: Glacial erosion and landscape evolution in coastal Alaska.

Atte Korhola atte.korhola@helsinki.fi

Organization: University of Helsinki

Department: Division of Hydrobiology - Department of Ecology and Systematics

Title: Professor, Ph.D.

Specialties: paleoecology, climate change

Current Research: "Holocene climatic variability in the Fennoscandian Arctic inferred from lake sediments and glaciers (HOARD)"; "European Mountain lake Ecosystems: Regionalisation, diagnostics and socio-economic Evaluation (EMERGE)"; "Pollution and rapid climatic changes in the Arctic as recorded by lake sedimentary archives (POLARCLIM)"; "Climate History as Recorded by Ecologically Sensitive Arctic and Alpine Lakes in Europe during the Last 10,000 Years: A Multi-Proxy Approach (CHILL-10,000)"; "How to separate natural environmental changes from those produced by man?"; "Northern lakes as key witnesses for global change: An integrated study combining neo- and palaeoecological approaches" "European Diatom Database Initiative (EDDI)"

Charles Korhonen korhonen@crrel.usace.army.mil

Organization: Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory

Specialties: concrete technology

Current Research: Cold weather concreting.

Keith Korsmeyer kkorsmeyer@hpu.edu

Organization: Hawaii Pacific University

Department: Natural Sciences Department

Title: Assistant Professor of Biology

Specialties: comparative physiology, fish, marine biology

Current Research: Temperature adaptation in Arctic fishes.

Mikhail Kos’ko kosko@vniio.nw.ru

Organization: VNIIOkeangeologia

Department: Arctic Oil and Gas Geology

Specialties: geology, mapping, structural geology

Current Research: Regional geology and tectonic evolution of the arctic onshore and offshore, geological mapping. Expertise in geological surveying and map compilation. Developing bilateral research projects: Russia/Canada Arctic Exchange, VNIIOceangeologia/Federal Institute for Geosciences and natural Resources BGR, Germany.

Kristine Kosnik kristine_kosnik@nps.gov

Organization: U.S. National Weather Service, Alaska Region

Department: National Park Service (NPS) - Gates of the Arctic National Park

Title: GIS Specialist

Specialties: geographic information systems, physical geography, snow characteristics

Eduard Koster ward-koster@planet.nl

Organization: Utrecht University

Department: Department of Physical Geography, Faculty of Earth Sciences

Title: Emeritus Professor

Specialties: geomorphology, climate change, periglacial environment

Current Research: Evolution and processes of large fluvial systems.

Joel Kostka joel@skio.peachnet.edu

Organization: Skidaway Institute of Oceanography

Department: Microbial ecology

Specialties: biogeochemistry, microbiology

Current Research: Rates and pathways of carbon oxidation in sediments sampled from the fjords of coastal Norway and on the Svalbard archipelago. Efficiency of respiration by sediment bacteria in permanently cold sediments. Role of metal and sulfur cycles in the processing of carbon and nutrients in sediments.

Yoshinobu Kotani ykotani@ic.nanzan-u.ac.jp

Organization: Nanzan University

Department: Faculty of Humanities

Title: Professor of Cultural Anthropology, Ph.D.

Specialties: anthropology, Native studies, archaeology

Current Research: Reconstructing the Ainu culture based on overseas materials.

Erica Kotler kotlere@inac-ainc.gc.ca

Title: environmental geoscientist

Specialties: permafrost, environmental remediation

Current Research: Yukon paleoclimate, permafrost disturbance

Vladimir Kotlyakov geography@glas.apc.org

Organization: Earth Cryosphere Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences Siberian Branch

Department: Institute of Geography

Specialties: geography, glaciology

Current Research: Cryosphere and global change.

Christoph Kottmeier ckottmei@imkhp6.physik.uni-karlsruhe.de

Organization: Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

Department: Institut für Meteorologie und Klimaforschung

Title: Professor

Specialties: atmospheric sciences, sea ice

Current Research: Data buoy programs. Field studies with aircraft. Radiative exchange. Turbulent exchange. Satellite remote sensing. Model output diagnostics.

Steven Kovach steve_kovach@fws.gov

Organization: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Department: Innoko National Wildlife Refuge

Title: Wildlife Biologist

Specialties: mammalogy, geographic information systems, wildlife management

Current Research: Large mammal ecology (brown bear, caribou, dall's sheep, moose), ungulate-predator ecology (brown bear - caribou, brown bear - moose), GIS (modeling, raster-vector integration, spatial/statistical based sample site selection), spatial analysis (pattern based, movement analysis, home range), habitat selection/utilization by wildlife.

Austin Kovacs abkovacs21@yahoo.com

Organization: Self

Title: Consultant

Specialties: sea ice, ice engineering, ice drilling

Current Research: Remote sensing of sea ice thickness from aircraft. Studying the interrelationship between the electromagnetic properties of sea ice and its strength.

Louis Kovacs skip.kovacs.ctr@nrl.navy.mil

Organization: U.S. Naval Research Laboratory

Department: Marine Physics Branch, Marine Geosciences Division

Title: Oceanographer

Specialties: marine geophysics, geomagnetism

Current Research: Canada Basin aerogeophysics (magnetics and gravity).

Kit Kovacs kit.kovacs@npolar.no

Organization: Norwegian Polar Institute

Department: Research Department

Title: Marine Ecology Coordinator

Specialties: marine mammals, animal behavior

Current Research: Population biology and ecology of: white whales, harbour seals, ringed seals, bearded seals, walrus.

Zygmunt Kowalik ffzk@ims.alaska.edu

Organization: University of Alaska Fairbanks

Department: Institute of Marine Science

Title: Professor

Specialties: oceanography, modeling, sea ice modeling

Current Research: Arctic tides and tide-ice interaction. Bering Sea tides.

Mikhail Kozlov mikoz@utu.fi

Organization: University of Turku

Department: Section of Ecology

Specialties: environmental impact assessment, air pollution, entomology

Current Research: Effects of aerial pollution on insect-plant relationships. Plant stress assessment, particularly by using fluctuating asymmetry. Recovery of industrial barrens.