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Gregory Kurras

Specialties: marine geophysics, marine geology, ocean engineering

Current Research: Investigating tectonism and volcanism along the Gakkel Mid-Ocean Ridge using SCAMP bathymetry and sidescan data from the SCICEX 98 and SCICEX 99 Cruises. Producing bathymetric and sidescan charts for the Gakkel Ridge from ~5 deg to 74 deg East.

Kannan Kurunthachalam kuruntha@msu.edu

Organization: Michigan State University

Department: National Food Safety and Toxicology

Title: Associate Professor

Specialties: environmental chemistry, environmental impact assessment, environmental monitoring

Current Research: Monitoring of fuorochemical compounds in air, water and biota in the Arctic Ocean: Understanding long range transport of organochlorine and organofluorine compounds.

Nikolai Kurushin shurygin@uiggm.nsc.ru

Organization: Earth Cryosphere Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences Siberian Branch

Department: Institute of Petroleum Geology

Specialties: paleontology, biostratigraphy, paleogeography

Current Research: Triassic Bivalvia of the northern parts of West and East Siberia.

Keiji Kushida kkushida@pop.lowtem.hokudai.ac.jp

Organization: Hokkaido University

Department: Institute of Low Temperature Science

Title: Ph.D.

Specialties: remote sensing, vegetation ecology, radiation remote sensing

Current Research: Remote sensing of environmental change induced by boreal forest fire.

Timothy Kusky kusky@bu.edu

Organization: Boston University

Department: Department of Earth Sciences

Specialties: structural geology, tectonophysics, plate tectonics

Current Research: Regional structural mapping and tectonic syntheses of Alaska, especially in Wrangell-St. Elias, Chugach, Kenai, and Brooks Ranges. Structural and tectonic evolution of precambrian shield area of northern Canada, especially in Northwest Territories and Quebec.

Kou Kusunoki

Organization: National Institute of Polar Research

Title: Professor Emeritus

Specialties: glaciology, sea ice, oceanography

Current Research: History of polar research. Polar information in general.

Susan Kutz skutz@ucalgary.ca

Organization: University of Calgary

Department: Faculty of Veterinary Medicine

Title: Associate Professor of Wildlife and Ecosystem Health

Specialties: parasitology, veterinary medicine

Current Research: Extensive studies on development (in lab and in field) of a protostrongylid lungworm (Umingmakstrongylus pallikuukensis) of muskoxen. Investigating the parasite fauna of arctic ruminants and the effects of climate and climate change on parasite development and transmission. Projects examining the parasite fauna of Dall sheep, muskoxen, woodland and barren ground caribou (with DRWED, NWT, and USDA).

John Kutzbach jek@facstaff.wisc.edu

Organization: University of Wisconsin-Madison

Department: IES-Center for Climatic Research

Title: Director

Specialties: climate modeling, climate change, global change

Current Research: Climate modeling of arctic/global climate, past and future.

Yana Kuzmina kuzmina@ib.komisc.ru

Department: Institute of Biology - Laboratory of Ecology of Aquatic Organisms

Title: Researcher

Specialties: entomology, benthic ecology, aquatic ecology

Current Research: Aquatic insects.

Zou Zou Kuzyk umkuzyk@cc.umanitoba.ca

Organization: Centre of Earth Observation Science (University of Manitoba)

Department: Clayton H. Ridell Faculty of Environment, Earth and Resources

Title: Assistant Professor

Specialties: biogeochemistry

Petter Kvadsheim petterk@fagmed.uit.no

Organization: UiT: The Arctic University of Norway

Department: Department of Arctic Biology

Specialties: animal physiology, marine mammals

Current Research: Heat balance in marine mammals. Thermoregulatory adaptations of marine mammals to the arctic marine environment.

Keith Kvenvolden kkvenvolden@usgs.gov

Organization: U.S. Geological Survey

Department: Coastal and Marine Geology Team

Title: Emeritus

Specialties: organic geochemistry, oil spills, hydrocarbon chemistry

Current Research: Organic geochemistry; History of organic geochemistry; Global occurrence of methane hydrate.

Rikk Kvitek rikk_kvitek@monterey.edu

Organization: California State University, Monterey Bay

Department: Earth Systems Sciences and Policy

Specialties: benthic ecology

Current Research: Influence of harmful algal blooms on the distribution and ecology of high level marine predators. ROV-based assessment of Antarctic benthic communities and anthropogenic debris. National Underwater Research Program. Entry of sewage-derived organic matter from McMurdo Station, Antarctica into the benthic food web and its biological consequences. GIS database and browser interface development for McMurdo. Sea floor mapping and GIS database development for anthropogenic debris and marine habitats at McMurdo. Ice scour disturbance and the structure of arctic sea floor communities.

Patricia Kwachka ffpbk@uaf.edu

Organization: University of Alaska Fairbanks

Department: Department of Anthropology

Title: Associate Dean

Specialties: anthropology, linguistics

Current Research: Native American language loss and the effects of loss/shift on the speaker’s culture. Interethnic communication in medical settings.

Slawomir Kwasniewski kwas@iopan.gda.pl

Organization: Polish Academy of Sciences

Department: Marine Ecology Department - Institute of Oceanology

Specialties: zooplankton, marine ecology

Current Research: Pelagic ecology. Ecology and biology of zooplankton in the Nordic Seas (Barents Sea, Greenland Sea, Svalbard), and other arctic regions (Baffin Bay).

Ronald Kwok ronald.kwok@jpl.nasa.gov

Organization: Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Department: Radar Science and Engineering

Title: Senior Research Scientist

Specialties: sea ice remote sensing, glaciology, global change

Current Research: His research interests include the mass and energy balance of the Arctic and Southern Ocean ice cover and the role of the sea ice in global climate. His current focus is on the analysis of thickness, small-scale sea ice kinematics, time varying gravity from various spaceborne and airborne remote sensing instruments.

Y.T. John Kwong john.kwong@canada.ca

Organization: Natural Resources Canada

Department: CANMET Mining and Mineral Sciences Laboratories (CMIN)

Title: Senior Environmental Scientist

Specialties: environmental geology, geochemistry, solid waste management, climate change impact on permafrost

Current Research: Chemical weathering in cold regions. Contaminant transport and attenuation in the northern environment, comparison of submarine versus on-land tailings disposal.

Henrik Kylin henrik.kylin@vatten.slu.se

Organization: Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

Department: Aquatic Sciences and Assessment

Specialties: environmental chemistry, contaminants, monitoring

Current Research: Toxicology Global distribution of organic contaminants

Nettie La Belle-Hamer nettie.labellehamer@alaska.edu

Organization: University of Alaska Fairbanks

Department: Chancellor's Core Cabinet

Title: Deputy Director Geophysical Institute

Specialties: sea ice remote sensing

Current Research: RADARSAT Geophysical Processing System.

Erkki Laasonen laasonen@kolumbus.fi

Title: Professor

Specialties: entomology, botany, plant/herbivore relations

Current Research: Microlepidoptera (and other insect groups) and their food plants at the border of subarctis and arctis, as well as on the border of low arctis and high arctis.

Zachary Labe zmlabe@rams.colostate.edu

Organization: Colorado State University

Department: Department of Atmospheric Science

Title: Postdoctoral Researcher

Specialties: Large-scale climate dynamics, climate variability, atmospheric teleconnections, stratospheric dynamics, sea ice, science communication

Current Research: Assessing influences of Arctic amplification and stratosphere-troposphere coupling on mid-latitude climate variability through modeling and historical observations

James LaBelle jlabelle@einstein.dartmouth.edu

Organization: Dartmouth College

Department: Department of Physics and Astronomy

Specialties: ionospheric physics

Current Research: Radio observations.

Claude Labine claudellabine@gmail.com

Organization: Self

Specialties: climatology, environmental monitoring, instrumentation

Current Research: Climatology of High Arctic Oasis. Climatology of High Arctic Ice Caps. Instrumentation problems in Arctic environments.

Yves Labreche ylabrech@jacqueswhitford.com

Organization: Jacques Whitford AXYS Ltd

Department: Environmental Sciences Division

Title: Archaeologist

Specialties: archaeology, ethnography, ethnoarchaeology

Current Research: Labrador Innu and Inuit archaeology.

Christian Lacasse c.m.lacasse@open.ac.uk

Organization: The Open University

Department: Department of Earth Sciences - Volcano Dynamics Group

Title: Research Fellow

Specialties: volcanology, marine sedimentology, paleoceanography

Current Research: Cross-disciplinary research on the possible link between global volcanism and Quaternary environmental changes in the North Atlantic and arctic regions. Records in deep-sea sediments of climatic and earth dynamic processes. Volcanology and paleoceanography in the subpolar North Atlantic region are two prime fields of expertise.