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Synopsis: Two low pressure systems develop Friday and through the weekend. One in the southern Bering Sea and the second in the Chukchi Sea. Expect those lows to linger before weakening on Monday.

Near St. Lawrence Island

This area is ice-free and the forecast period has ended for this season.


This area is ice-free and the forecast period has...

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Synopsis: High pressure over the High Arctic, until a low pressure develops Sunday. A weak low moves near the NW coast of Alaska on Friday. High pressure builds across the Bering Sea through the week and remains through Tuesday.

Near St. Lawrence Island

The coast of St. Lawrence Island is approaching ice free as a big floe that was previous shorefast ice, breaks away off the coast near Tomname Lagoon...

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Synopsis: A broad region of low pressure will remain in the south and central Bering Sea through the weekend. High pressure will build over the northern Chukchi Sea and high Arctic. These two features will bring easterly and northerly winds over the ice pack and ice edge.

Near St. Lawrence Island

The remaining sea ice around St. Lawrence Island is from east of Camp Iveetok and around the east side of...

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Synopsis: Generally weak high pressure builds over the area on Friday. A large low pressure enters the Bering Sea on Friday and remains there through the middle of next week.

Near St. Lawrence Island

Ice-free conditions extend from 30 miles (48 km) east of Savoonga to 120 miles (193 km) north of Savoonga and around the Island to Kialegak Point. Marginal ice zone extends 25 miles (40 km) from the...

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Synopsis: A low strengthens in the southwestern Bering Sea and moves north towards the ice edge on Thursday. This area of low pressure will linger and weaken, southeast of St. Lawrence Island, through Saturday then weaken and move inland for the weekend. Low pressure moves into the western high Arctic on Sunday.

Near St. Lawrence Island

Open water has continued to expand outward from the island’s...

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Synopsis High pressure remains over the Bering Sea through the forecast period.

Near St. Lawrence Island

Open water has continued to expand outward from the island’s northwestern, western, and southern coastlines. Open water reaches outward to 60 miles (95 km) north of Gambell to 60 miles (95 km) southwest of Gambell to 155 miles (250 km) from the south coast of the island. Pack ice is 125 miles (200...

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Synopsis High pressure over the Bering Strait persists through Friday night before a low from the southwest approaches the west coast. It will bring increased southwest-south winds and primarily rain through the weekend and possibly another round of rain through early next week.

Near St. Lawrence Island

Open water has greatly expanded since last week, stretching from 40 miles (64 km) northeast of...

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Synopsis – Strong high pressure over the Bering Strait will move over the western Bering Sea on Saturday. A cold front moving southwest across interior Alaska will move along the west coast of Alaska on Saturday, and move west of St. Lawrence Island and the Bering Strait on Saturday night and Sunday.

Near St. Lawrence Island

Clouds have made viewing of the area tough the last couple of days. However...

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Synopsis - High pressure will persist over the Chukchi and Beaufort seas while several low-pressure systems traverse into the Gulf of Alaska, leaving weak low pressure in the eastern Bering Sea. A stronger low and front move into the eastern Bering Sea late in the weekend.

Near St. Lawrence Island

Shorefast ice remains along the northern side of the island. Shorefast extends out up to 10 miles (16 km)...

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Synopsis Strong high pressure over the Bering Strait will move over the western Bering Sea on Saturday. A cold front moving southwest across interior Alaska will move along the west coast of Alaska on Saturday, and move west of St. Lawrence Island and the Bering Strait on Saturday night and Sunday.

Near St. Lawrence Island

Between Gambell and Eewak Point, compacted ice has become shorefast up to 10 miles...

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Synopsis A low over the southern Bering Sea will move into the Gulf of Alaska Thursday. High pressure will build over the Bering Sea Friday through Monday.

Near St. Lawrence Island

Shorefast ice remains intact 2 to 12 miles (3 to 19 km) offshore east of Savoonga as well as along the south and east coasts. The farthest extent of the shorefast ice is between Siknik Training Camp and Camp Kulowiye. A...

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Synopsis High pressure lingers over much of the pack through Monday while a low spins up in the Gulf of Alaska over the weekend. A strong front comes into the southern Bering Sea early next week. A weak low forms in the Beaufort and Chukchi seas over the weekend.

Near St. Lawrence Island

Shorefast ice remains intact 2 to 6 miles (3 to 10 km) offshore east of Savoonga as well as along the south and east...

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Synopsis A low in the western Bering Sea will move northeast toward the Yukon Delta Thursday. High pressure will then build over the southern Bering Sea as another low moves east across the Chukchi Sea then moves north to the High Arctic on Monday.

Near St. Lawrence Island

Shorefast ice remains intact 2 to 6 miles (3 to 10 km) offshore from Camp Iveetok east as well as along the south and east coasts. A...

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Synopsis High pressure will remain over the Alaska mainland and southern Chukchi and Beaufort seas through Monday as low pressure generally remains north of Alaska over the High Arctic.

Near St. Lawrence Island

The remaining sea ice is east of Savoonga off the northeast side of the island near Lietnik and Camp Kulowiye. Very open pack ice consisting of brash ice extends 35 miles (56 km) to the northeast...

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Synopsis A low will move north through the Chukchi Sea into the high Arctic through Saturday as high pressure moves off to the east. High pressure will reestablish over the southern Beaufort Sea Sunday and Monday.

Near St. Lawrence Island

The remaining sea ice is east of Savoonga off the north and east sides of the island. Off the north side of the island is very close to consolidated pack ice consisting...

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Synopsis High pressure remains over the Chukchi Sea while low pressure sits in the Gulf of Alaska.

Near St. Lawrence Island

No shorefast ice is left around St. Lawrence Island. There is an area of compacted ice against the coast between Gambell and Savoonga up to 1.3 miles (0.5 km) offshore with mostly open water beyond. An area of close pack ice sits 20 miles (32 km) northwest of Gambell as well as 45...

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Synopsis High pressure remains over the northern Bering Sea and southern Chukchi Sea through next week.

Near St. Lawrence Island

Low stratus clouds have prevented a recent view of the island. Shorefast ice is mainly on the northeast side of the island and extends up to 2 miles (3km) from shore. Most of the ice on the north side of the island is very close pack ice to compact pack ice. There appears to be...

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Synopsis High pressure in the Bering Sea drifts northward through Sunday. Low pressure moves from Kamchatka towards the Aleutian Chain through the weekend.

Near St. Lawrence Island

Shorefast ice is mainly on the northeast side of the island and extends up to 2 miles (3km) from shore. The largest floes are from the west to north of the island, where there are areas of close pack ice consisting of big to...

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Synopsis High pressure over the eastern Bering will migrate north to the North Slope over the weekend. A low moving over the Aleutians will affect the Bering Sea through Monday.

Near St. Lawrence Island

Shorefast ice is mainly on the northeast side of the island and extends up to 5 miles (8km) from shore. The largest floes are to the west and northwest of the island, where there are areas of close pack...

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Synopsis High pressure remains over the southern Bering Sea. A polar low north of the Bering Strait moves eastward and weakens Friday, then another polar low will move east toward the Chukchi Sea Saturday through Monday.

Near St. Lawrence Island

Shorefast ice is mainly on the north side of the island and extends up to 5 miles (8km) from shore. A large piece of shorefast ice (18 miles or 30 km long and 8...

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Synopsis Weak and broad low pressure remains over the Gulf of Alaska, extending into the Bering Sea and Mainland Alaska. Friday and Saturday, several low-pressure systems will traverse east Asia into the Chukchi Peninsula and eventually the Bering Strait on Sunday, then the eastern Beaufort Sea on Monday. High pressure builds into the southern Bering Sea by the middle of next week while another weak low pressure traverses the Bering Strait. Overall, expect...

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Synopsis Strong low pressure remains over the central Bering Sea and will move into the Gulf of Alaska over the weekend while another low traverses the Aleutians through next week.

Near St. Lawrence Island

Shorefast ice on the south side of the island has largely melted. A small amount remains from Powooiliak (Pugughileq) Camp northeastward toward, but not to, Silook Camp around 1–2 miles (1.6–3.2 km)...

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Synopsis A strong low pressure will traverse the Aleutians, moving into the Gulf of Alaska on Saturday. A Kamchatka low will send a front into the western Bering Sea on Sunday/Monday. The Bering Strait/Norton Sound area will remain under either weak low pressure from the south or weak high pressure from the north through next week.

Near St. Lawrence Island

Shorefast ice on the south side of the island...

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Synopsis Low pressure over the southwestern Bering Sea will move toward St. Matthew Island through Saturday, then weaken through Monday. Another low will track northeast toward the western Aleutian Islands on Monday.

Near St. Lawrence Island

Shorefast ice extends up to 6 miles (10 km) from shore along the north, east, and south sides of the island. Beyond the shorefast ice along the north side of the...

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Synopsis Low pressure in the eastern Gulf of Alaska persists through Friday. High pressure moves from the western Bering to the eastern Bering through late week. Thursday through Saturday, a warm front pushes northward through the western/central Bering Sea.

Near St. Lawrence Island

Shorefast ice exists on the north, east, and south sides of the island. Between Gambell and Savoonga, shorefast ice has...

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