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Synopsis A front draped from west to east across the Bering Sea will dissipate as the associated low pressure weakens and move into the Gulf of Anadyr. Broad and weak low pressure will remain over much of the Bering Sea through the week, coupled with Arctic high pressure to keep the area in a light northerly wind regime.

Near St. Lawrence Island

Shorefast ice exists on the north, east, and south sides...

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Synopsis An area of low pressure over the Gulf of Alaska will be reloaded several times over the next week. Broad and weak low pressure will extend over the ice pack. A front will enter the western Bering Sea early next week.

Near St. Lawrence Island

Shorefast ice extends out from the north, east, and south shores up to 6 miles. A polynya on the south side of the island extends 20 to 25 miles (32 to 40...

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Synopsis – High pressure remains over the Arctic while weak low pressure stays over the mainland. Some stronger northerly wind will develop through the Bering Strait over the weekend.

Near St. Lawrence Island

Please note that the most recent imagery we have for this area is the afternoon of June 15th. There is shorefast ice along the north side of St. Lawrence Island between Camp Iveetok and Camp...

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Synopsis – Weak low pressure will exist over much of the Chukchi Sea through the mainland. High pressure remains over the Arctic.

Near St. Lawrence Island

Please note that the most recent imagery we have for this area is the afternoon of June 7th. There is shorefast ice along the north side of St. Lawrence Island between Camp Iveetok and Camp Kulowiyi extending 1 to 3 miles offshore. Beyond the...

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Synopsis – Low pressure will generally remain over the Bering Strait region through Monday, with high pressure over the eastern Beaufort Sea during that time.

Near St. Lawrence Island

There is shorefast ice along the north side of St. Lawrence Island extending 1 to 5 miles offshore. Beyond the shorefast ice on the north side of the island is compact pack ice consisting of medium to vast floes extending...

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Synopsis – A low will meander around the southwest Bering Sea through Sunday as another weak low develops over the central Bering Monday. High pressure will remain over the Chukchi Sea.

Near St. Lawrence Island

There is shorefast ice, mainly on the north side of St. Lawrence Island, generally extending 1 to 5 miles offshore. Beyond the shorefast ice on the north side of the island is consolidated to...

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Synopsis – Generally quiet weather until a low moves across the Aleutian Islands starting on Saturday.

Near St. Lawrence Island

There is shorefast ice, mainly on the north side of St. Lawrence Island, generally extending 1 to 5 miles offshore. Beyond the shorefast ice on the north side of the island is consolidated to compact pack ice consisting of medium to vast floes. There is a polynya consisting of...

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Synopsis – A low will gradually move eastward across the southern Bering Sea through Saturday, then move south into the North Pacific Sunday and Monday.

Near St. Lawrence Island

There is shorefast ice, mainly on the north and east side of St. Lawrence Island, generally extending 1 to 2 miles offshore. Beyond the shorefast ice on the north side of the island is compact pack ice to consolidated ice...

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Synopsis – A low pressure system will remain in the eastern and southern Bering Sea through the week. High pressure will remain over the Arctic, which will keep offshore flow going for the next week.

Near St. Lawrence Island

There is shorefast ice, mainly on the north and east side of St. Lawrence Island, generally extending 1 to 2 miles offshore. There is no shorefast ice remaining on southern shores...

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Synopsis – High pressure over the Bering Sea will continue to build in from Siberia. Low pressure over the mainland of Alaska will weaken and drift east. Weak low pressure will develop along the southern Beaufort Sea and northern Chukchi Sea Saturday. A north Pacific low will move into the Bering Sunday and Monday then dissipate through Thursday.

Near St. Lawrence Island

There is shorefast ice on the...

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Synopsis – Several low pressure systems will move into the southeastern Bering Sea through Monday. High pressure will remain over the Chukchi Sea.

Near St. Lawrence Island

There is shorefast ice on the north, east, and south sides of St. Lawrence Island. On the north and south sides, generally extending 1 to 2 miles offshore, and on the east side, extending 2 to 5 miles offshore. Beyond the shorefast ice...

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Synopsis – High pressure builds over the Bering Sea through Saturday. A low will move westward across the North Pacific Sunday through Wednesday.

Near St. Lawrence Island

There is shorefast ice on the north, east, and south sides of St. Lawrence Island. On the north side, generally extending 1 to 2 miles offshore, and on the east side, extending 2 to 5 miles offshore. The south side of the island has...

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Synopsis – High pressure will quickly move east across the Bering Sea through Thursday night, then a low will move into the western Bering Sea Friday. That low will slowly move eastward across the central Bering Sea through Monday.

Near St. Lawrence Island

There is shorefast ice on the north, east, and south sides of St. Lawrence Island. On the north/south sides, generally extending 1 to 2 miles offshore...

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Synopsis – A low pressure and front will move near the Bering Strait region through Friday, weakening in place on Saturday. Another will move from west to east across the Bering Sea Monday into Tuesday, south of St. Matthew Island. Northerly flow sticks around through the middle of the week before a pattern change late in the week.

Near St. Lawrence Island

There is shorefast ice on the north, east, and...

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Synopsis Several weak fronts will affect the Bering Sea, one in the eastern Bering Sea, one in the western Bering Sea. A strong front will traverse the Bering Sea from west to east Monday and Tuesday. The next strong low/front will come into the central Bering Sea on Saturday. The latter will be associated with a low-pressure system moving from west to east around 62N. The next strong front and low pressure moves into the Bering Sea on Sunday.


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Synopsis High pressure will gradually move eastward across the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas through Monday.

Near St. Lawrence Island

The only remaining sea ice around St. Lawrence Island is northeast of the island, generally between Camp Iveetok and just east of Camp Kulowiye, extending up to 65 miles from the coast. This is close to very close pack ice consisting of medium to vast floes.


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Synopsis - High pressure will extend into the Bering Sea from the North Pacific. Another area of high pressure will extend from the Canadian Arctic into the Beaufort Sea. Between these two areas, a weak area of low pressure will extend from the Alaska mainland over the Bering Strait.

Near St. Lawrence Island

The only remaining shorefast ice around St. Lawrence Island is between Camp Iveetok and 5 to 7...

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Synopsis Low pressure will dissipate in the far western Bering Sea through Friday. Another low will move just south of the Chain through Monday. High pressure will sit over the Beaufort through the period.

Near St. Lawrence Island

Satellite imagery from the evening of Wednesday, May 27th and morning of Thursday, May 28th show pretty rapid deterioration of the ice around the island. Shorefast ice...

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Synopsis A broad low pressure over the southern Bering will dissipate while a stronger northwest Pacific low pressure will weaken in place through Monday.

Near St. Lawrence Island

Satellite imagery from the evening of Wednesday, May 20th and morning of Thursday, May 21st shows the shorefast ice on the north side of the island remains intact especially from Savoonga eastward, extending up to 7 miles...

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Synopsis A series of lows will move eastward generally along the Aleutian Islands through Monday. High pressure will remain over the high Arctic through Monday.

Near St. Lawrence Island

Satellite imagery from the evening of Wednesday, May 13th and morning of Thursday, May 14th shows the shorefast ice on the north side of the island remains intact especially from Savoonga eastward, extending up to 7 miles...

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Synopsis High pressure will remain over the eastern Beaufort Sea through Monday. Low pressure over the southwest Bering Sea will gradually weaken, then another low will move into the same area Friday through Monday.

Near St. Lawrence Island

Satellite imagery from the evening of 6 May shows the shorefast ice on the north side of the island remains intact. From Gambell to Kangee Camp it extends from...

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Synopsis High pressure will remain over the northern Bering Sea, while a low moves eastward across the southern Bering Sea through Monday.

Near St. Lawrence Island

Satellite imagery from the evening of 29 April shows the shorefast ice on the north side of the island remains intact. From Gambell to Kangee Camp it extends from about 1.5 miles to 4 miles off-shore. Between Kangee Camp and Savoonga, there is...

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Synopsis A low pressure system in the North Pacific on Wednesday will move over the Alaska Peninsula on Thursday. By Saturday, the low pressure system will move into the Gulf of Alaska and remain there through Monday.

Near St. Lawrence Island

Satellite imagery shows that shorefast ice remains intact on the north side of the island, extending 1 to 6 miles from the coast. There is also shorefast ice on the...

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Synopsis A weak low in the southwest Bering Sea will dissipate as another larger and stronger low moves into the southern Bering Sea Thursday and gradually weakens through Monday.

Near St. Lawrence Island

Satellite imagery shows that shorefast ice remains intact on the north side of the island, extending 1 to 6 miles from the coast. There is also shorefast ice on the south side of the island, extending...

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Synopsis A low will move northward through the western Bering Sea through Saturday, as high pressure slowly moves eastward across the southern Bering Sea.

Near St. Lawrence Island

Satellite imagery shows that shorefast ice extends 1 to 6 miles from the north side of the island. A polynya has formed north of the shorefast ice from Gambell to Kangee Camp extending up to 4 miles beyond the shorefast ice, as...

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