News From: - Publication

Witness Community Highlights

Witness Community Highlights

The January 2019 issue of Witness Community Highlights is now available online. This issue includes an article summarizing the Arctic Report Card 2018 that was released on 11 December 2018. The collective content of the report makes clear that the continued warming of the Arctic atmosphere and ocean are driving broad change in the environmental system in predicted, and also unexpected, ways.

Read the Issue

News From: - Education

PolarTREC Live from Antarctica

Photo by Kevin Dickerson

Join ARCUS and PolarTREC for a live event from McMurdo Station in Antarctica. The event will be held on Wednesday, 6 February 2019 with teacher Kevin Dickerson and the 2019 Dry Valleys Ecosystem Study Team. Read more about their research and what Kevin is learning here. The one hour event starts at 11:30am Alaska Savings Time (12:30pm PST, 1:30pm MST, 2:30pm CST, 3:30pm EST). We hope you can join us!

Register Here

News From: - Events

Arctic Research Planning Night at the Alaska Marine Science Symposium

Alaska Marine Science Symposium

ARCUS will be hosting an informational table at Fairweather Science’s annual Arctic Research Planning Night on Wednesday, 30 January from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at the Quarterdeck at Hotel Captain Cook in Anchorage, Alaska. This event is held to facilitate collaboration, networking, and knowledge sharing among Arctic researchers.

Attendees are invited to send in advance, or bring a thumb drive, a few slides that outline their research plans for 2019 and beyond. Include research platform (vessel, aircraft, etc.), location of study, duration, objectives, types of data to be collected, available space, and length of contract. Slides can be sent to sheyna.wisdom [at]

Stop by and enjoy some great conversation, networking, and delicious food!

Workshop Information

News From: - Education

PolarTREC Live with Educator Allyson Woodard

Photo by Allyson Woodard

Join PolarTREC for a live event from the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry in Portland, Oregon with educator Allyson Woodard on Thursday, 28 February 2019 at 11am AKST (12pm PST, 1pm MST, 2pm CST, 3pm EST). Read more about their research and what Allyson observed here. Register today for this free event!

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News From: - Announcement

ARCUS Staff Member Named AAAS Community Engagement Fellow

AAAS CEFP 2019 Fellows

ARCUS Project Manager, Brit Myers, is one of twenty-three research community engagement managers who have been named an American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Community Engagement Fellow for 2019. The goal of the fellowship program, administered by the recently established AAAS Center for Scientific Collaboration and Community Engagement, is to raise the profile of scientific community engagement as a field.

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News From: - Meeting

8th Annual Meeting of the Permafrost Carbon Network

The 8th annual meeting of the Permafrost Carbon Network took place in Washington D.C. on Sunday, 9 December 2018. The event attracted over 120 participants and provided an important opportunity for the research community to share project updates and discuss new directions for ongoing research synthesis efforts.

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News From: - Publication

Witness Community Highlights

Witness Community Highlights

The December 2018 issue of Witness Community Highlights is now available online. This issue includes two articles: “NSF’s Navigating the New Arctic (NNA)” presents an overview of the solicitation that embodies the Foundation's forward-looking response to the profound challenges associated with the Arctic; “Arctic Science Ministerials: High Level Political and Policy Support for Grass Roots Level International Scientific Collaboration” provides a perspective of how the first and second Arctic Science Ministerial events developed and why international cooperation is essential to address challenges that result from a warming Arctic.

Read the Issue

News From: - Announcement

Happy Holidays

Happy Holidays

Happy Holidays from all of us at ARCUS & we look forward to doing great work in the new year!

News From: - Education

PolarConnect Live from McMurdo Station, Antarctica

Photo by Mike Penn

Connect to the Antarctic! Join us for an upcoming PolarConnect event with Mike Penn and the Antarctic Automatic Weather Station Team on Monday, 17 December 2018 at 8:00am AKST (9:00am PST, 10:00am MST, 11:00am CST, 12:00pm EST). This event will be broadcast live from South Pole Station. Register today!

Register Here

News From: - Meeting

Arctic Research Funders Meet & Greet Neworking Event in Washington D.C.

ARCUS is pleased to announce a special networking activity for Arctic researchers to meet with Arctic research funding agency staff on Friday, 14 December 2018. The event will take place 8:30am to 10:00am ET in Washington D.C. at the Cambria Hotel (899 O St NW, Room: Duke Ellington Room 1). There is no cost to participate and you do not need to be registered for the AGU Fall Meeting to attend. However, space is limited so please sign-up early!


News From: - Announcement

SIPN2 Meeting at AGU Fall Meeting

SIPN2 will convene an open meeting on Tuesday, 11 December from 12:30-1:30 p.m. in Washington, D.C., in conjunction with the AGU Fall Meeting, to promote knowledge exchange and collaboration among members of sea ice research community. A brief overview of the 2018 Arctic sea ice/Sea Ice Outlook season will also be provided. All those interested in Arctic sea ice prediction are welcome to attend!

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News From: - Announcement

Empowering Arctic Indigenous Scholars and Making Connections – Call for Applicants

ARCUS and the Inuit Circumpolar Council Alaska invite applications from and/or nominations of Arctic Indigenous scholars to travel to Washington D.C. and meet with officials at U.S. government agencies, non-governmental organizations, and other groups. Four selected scholars will be able to share their interests via a seminar and meetings, learn of available resources, build toward collaborative relationships, and provide on-the-ground perspectives to key decision-makers. For the purposes of this opportunity, scholars are defined as an expert within their own knowledge system. This includes hunters, fishers, and gatherers; those that process and store food; health aides; and others. It includes youth, elders, and adults. Education may come from the land, the water, or a classroom. To apply for the 2019 opportunity, or to nominate a scholar, please visit our webpage for instructions. Applications are due by 5:00pm AKST, Thursday, 10 January 2019. Letters of nomination are due by Friday, 28 December 2018.

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News From: - Meeting

ARCUS Annual Meeting & Arctic Research Community Reception

Please join us Wednesday, 12 December from 6:00-7:00pm EST for the 2018 ARCUS Annual Meeting at the Cambria Hotel (899 O St NW, Rooms: Duke Ellington 1 & 2) in Washington, D.C. The meeting will focus on ARCUS member priorities for Arctic research, education, and outreach and is open to anyone interested in Arctic research. All attendees are also invited to join us for a special Arctic Research Community Reception taking place in the same location from 7:00-8:30pm EST. An ARCUS member affiliation is not required to attend and there is no cost to participate. However, advance registration is encouraged for both events.


News From: - Meeting

SEARCH Town Hall at AGU Fall Meeting

The Study of Environmental Arctic Change (SEARCH) will be hosting a town hall event on Friday, 14 December from 12:30 - 1:30 p.m. EST at the Marriott Marquis, Independence D in Washington D.C. in conjunction with the American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting.

Recognizing that unprecedented environmental change challenges the pace of research, the SEARCH Town Hall will explore with interested scientists where the program has provided benefit and—more importantly—where it could do so in the future. After a brief overview of SEARCH’s recent efforts (focused on sea ice, land ice, and permafrost), contributing members of SEARCH will lead a discussion considering: How can the Arctic research community best advance actionable and discovery science? What could or should a multi-disciplinary effort accomplish that otherwise would not get done? How might our community use the upcoming (September 2019) Arctic Futures 2050 conference to advance science and serve pressing policy needs?

For questions, contact:
Brendan Kelly
Email: bpkelly [at]
Phone: 907-209-6531

Learn more

News From: - Meeting

NSF Arctic Sciences Section Town Hall at the AGU Fall Meeting

National Science Foundation

The Arctic Sciences Section of the Office of Polar Programs (OPP) at the National Science Foundation (NSF) will be hosting a Town Hall during the American Geophysical Union 2018 Fall Meeting. The Town Hall will convene 11:00am - 12:00pm EST on Monday, 10 December 2018 at the Cambria Hotel Washington D.C. Convention Center hotel, Duke Ellington Room 1 in Washington D.C.

During this Town Hall, Program Directors from NSF’s OPP Arctic Sciences Section will provide an overview of recent and upcoming news of interest to the research community.

Topics will likely include:

  • Staffing changes in the Arctic Section and introduction of new program officers,
  • Recent program activities and updates from Research Support and Logistics
  • Upcoming opportunities at NSF of interest to Arctic researchers, and
  • An overview of proposal review without deadlines.

Organizers anticipate giving a brief presentation, with the majority of the time devoted to questions and discussion.

For questions, contact:
Cynthia Suchman
Email: csuchman [at]

News From: - Publication

Witness Community Highlights

Witness Community Highlights

The November 2018 issue of Witness Community Highlights is now available online. This issue includes three articles: "A New Season for Sea Ice and Walrus" provides news of the Sea Ice for Walrus program's investigation of how low Arctic ice conditions affect walrus migration; "Co-Production of Knowledge and Multi-Level Governmental Collaboration in A Rapidly Changing Arctic" discusses efforts to address the impact that rapid climate change has on Alaska Native communities; and "Unique Fellowship Program Promotes Community Interaction" illustrates the unique way that Sitka Sound Science Center's Scientist in Residency Fellowship program facilitates community engagement activities for polar scientists.

Read the Issue

News From: - Announcement

ARCUS at the AGU Fall Meeting

We are gearing up for a busy week at the upcoming AGU Fall Meeting in Washington, D.C.! ARCUS staff and board members hope to see many of our colleagues and friends—and meet new ones—at the ARCUS-related events at AGU this year, including an Arctic Funders “Meet and Greet”; the ARCUS Annual Meeting; our open Arctic Community Reception; several sessions, talks, and posters; and hosting the Community Meeting Room.

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News From: - Publication

Witness Community Highlights

Witness Community Highlights

The October 2018 issue of Witness Community Highlights is now available online. This issue includes two articles: “ICESat-2 Launches to Measure Earth's Ice” provides news from NASA about the satellite launch and its capabilities; and “2018 Arctic Sea Ice Minimum Extent Reached in Late September,” which includes highlights from the 2018 Sea Ice Outlook Interim Post-Season Report, published on 11 October.

Read the Issue

News From: - Project Update

A Call to Action: Sustaining Arctic Observing Networks

SEARCH partnered with the Wildlife Conservation Society and the University of Alaska Fairbanks' International Arctic Research Center and the Department of Theatre and Film to produce a video call for action featured at the Second Arctic Science Ministerial held in Berlin in October 2018. The video featured hunters and community leaders from St. Lawrence Island in the Bering Sea and SEARCH scientists making the case for Arctic nations to "Coordinate and Sustain Observations." The video highlighted the urgent need for sustained, long-term observations that include indigenous knowledge, community-based observations, and citizen science.

Watch the Video

News From: - Outreach

The increasing rate of Arctic change: how should the research community keep up? - Session II

The Study of Environmental Arctic Change (SEARCH) is engaging past, present, and future members of its community in a broad conversation about how SEARCH might advance synthesis and engagement in the coming decades? What coordination of research and communication is needed?

Date: 15 November 2018
Time: 10:00 am (AK) / 11:00 am (PT) / 12:00 pm (MT) / 1:00 pm (CT) / 2:00 pm (ET)
Format: video conference (Zoom)
Interested in participating? Register here

SEARCH Background:
Recent Activities and Questions
Vision and Mission

Arctic Answers - science for policy briefs
Arctic Futures 2050 conference
Other products

For more information: Brendan Kelly, SEARCH Executive Director (bpkelly [at]


News From: - Announcement

ARCUS Board of Directors

ARCUS Board of Directors

The Arctic Research Consortium of the U.S. (ARCUS) announces a call for nominations for our 2018 Board of Directors election. There are a possible four seats up for election in a vote of the ARCUS membership expected to take place in December 2018.

We seek nominations of candidates with enthusiasm and time to dedicate to ARCUS, who are willing and able to help ARCUS fulfill its vision and mission and achieve its strategic goals. We particularly invite nominations of individuals with experience in and connections to industry, foundations, or Arctic Indigenous groups. Nominations are due Monday, 12 November 2018.

View Full Announcement

News From: - Webinar

Arctic Research Seminar Series with Karin Buhmann

Arctic Research Seminar Series

ARCUS invites registration for our next Arctic Research Seminar featuring Karin Buhmann (Copenhagen Business School). This seminar, titled Responsible Investments in Arctic Mining: Implications of Chinese Policies, will be held Tuesday, 30 October 2018 from 12:00-1:00 p.m. EDT in the ARCUS D.C. office at 1201 New York Avenue, NW Washington D.C. A live webinar is also available to those unable to attend in person.

Register Here

News From: - Meeting

SEARCH at AGU Fall Meeting

AGU Logo

The Study of Environmental Arctic Change (SEARCH) program will be active at the American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, to be held 10-14 December 2018 in Washington, D.C.. Please join us for the SEARCH Town Hall "Where Does Arctic Research and SEARCH Go Next?" on Friday, 14 December 12:30-1:30pm. We also invite you to connect with SEARCH affiliates at one or more of the many sessions, presentations, and side-events we have planned.


News From: - Report

Sea Ice Outlook Interim Report

Sea Ice Outlook Interim Report

The Interim Post-Season Report for 2018 Sea Ice Outlook (SIO) is now available online. The goal of the SIO is to improve sea ice prediction on seasonal time-scales. This interim report is intended as a quick post-season update that summarizes how the outlooks did in comparison to the observed minimum extent. The September monthly averaged sea ice extent was 4.71 million square kilometers, based on the National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) Sea Ice Index. The median extent of the 39 Outlook contributions for June, July, and August were 4.60, 4.70, and 4.57 million square kilometers, respectively. A full post-season report in January 2019 will include an in-depth analysis of factors impacting sea ice this season; further discussion about the outlooks; comments on regional observations, predicted spatial fields, Antarctic contributions; and a summary from the Sea Ice Drift Forecast Experiment. This report is the product of the Sea Ice Prediction Network–Phase 2 (SIPN2) effort.

View Full Report

News From: - Announcement

2018 Projected Freeze-up of Chukchi Sea Released

2018 Projected Freeze-up of Chukchi Sea Released

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory, has released a 2018 projected onset of sea ice freeze-up on the Chukchi Sea continental shelf. Projection: Freeze onset on the Chukchi Sea continental shelf northwest of Icy Cape will begin the second week of December 2018. This is approximately 47 days later than the long-term mean (1981-2016).

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