News From: - Webinar

Arctic Research Seminar Series with Jeffrey Brooks

Arctic Research Seminar Series

ARCUS invites registration for our next Arctic Research Seminar featuring Jeffrey Brooks, Social Scientist at the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM). This seminar, titled “Science and Traditional Knowledge in Decision-Making: A Federal Agency Shares its Experience in Alaska,” will be held Tuesday, 7 January 2020, 10:00 a.m. AKST (2:00 p.m. EST) online via Zoom.

Registration Link

News From: - Publication

Witness Community Highlights

Witness Community Highlights

The December 2019 issue of Witness Community Highlights is now available online. This issue includes two articles: “The Future Shape of the Greenland Geodetic Network,” an NSF-funded Research Networking Activity (RNA) that aims to make data from this series of global navigation satellite system installations more accessible and to foster innovative research and “Permafrost Discovery Gateway: A New Online Platform Supporting Knowledge-Generation from Big Imagery” an NSF-funded project that will create pan-Arctic data products and provide easy access and discovery of these large datasets through visualization tools accessible through an interactive web browser.

Read the Issue

News From: - Meeting

Polar Technology Call for Abstracts

Polar Technology Call for Abstracts

The Polar Technology Conference is planned for 10–12 March 2020 in Boulder, Colorado. The goal of the meeting is to link experts in polar science and technology development to discuss current technological resources for polar research and identify barriers to research and application of technology for problems unique to polar regions. Abstract submission has been extended until 7 February 2020, 5:00 p.m. Alaska time.

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News From: - Announcement

Happy Holidays!

Happy Holidays!

Happy Holidays from all of us at ARCUS! We look forward to doing great work in the new year!

See Our 2019 Annual Report

News From: - Project Update

Bering Sea Elders Contribute to NOAA Arctic Report Card

NOAA Arctic Program Logo

The SEARCH Sea Ice Action Team partnered with the Bering Sea Elders Group (BSEG) by hosting a two-day workshop with elders from the Bering Sea region in September 2019 to develop the first Indigenous community contribution to the NOAA Arctic Report Card. A short video, which will ultimately be part of a larger video series called "After the Ice", showcases this workshop and some of its participants. The workshop focused on recent environmental changes across the Bering Sea region and the impacts on the local Peoples of the region. The elders' contribution to the Arctic Report Card can be found here.

View the video

News From: - Webinar

Celebrate Antarctica Day with ARCUS!

Celebrate Antarctica Day with ARCUS!

ARCUS will be celebrating Antarctica Day by hosting a LIVE, real-time event with PolarTREC educator Jocelyn Argueta from the South Pole Station in Antarctica. This event will take place on Friday, December 13, 2019 at 8:10 AM Alaska Standard Time [9:10 AM PST, 10:10 AM MST, 11:10 AM CST, 12:10 PM EST]. Learn more about Jocelyn’s adventures at the South Pole here.

Register Here

News From: - Events

ARCUS at the American Geophysical Union

ARCUS at the American Geophysical Union

Join the Arctic Research Consortium of the U.S. (ARCUS) at the American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, held 9-13 December 2019 in San Francisco, California.

ARCUS staff and board members hope to see many of our colleagues and friends—and meet new ones—at the ARCUS-related events at AGU this year!

A list of other Arctic-related events and sessions taking place during the AGU Fall Meeting is available through the ARCUS website.

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News From: - Publication

Witness the Arctic

Witness the Arctic

This issue includes a summary of NSF’s FY2020 solicitation for Navigating the New Arctic (NNA); a call for community input on development of the IARPC Arctic Research Plan 2022-2026; Arctic Data Center news about a new semantic search product; news about the recently funded International Permafrost Coastal Systems Network; news from U.S. Arctic GEOTRACES of a novel public outreach program; Arctic social science focused articles about recommendations to protect the ecosystem habitat in Bristol Bay, a cross-cultural collaboration effort to improve Native Alaskan wellbeing, and a school-based sled-building project in eastern Greenland; updates on the SEARCH program, the Arctic Indigenous Scholars program, the PolarTREC program, the Sea Ice Prediction Network–Phase 2 project, and plans for the 2020 Polar Technology Conference; comments from ARCUS board members and Interim Executive Director Helen Wiggins; and a highlight of ARCUS member institution, the Alaska Ocean Observing System (AOOS).

View Witness the Arctic

News From: - Webinar

Celebrate Antarctica Day with ARCUS!

Celebrate Antarctica Day with ARCUS!

NOTE: This event has been cancelled due to lack of satellite availability. There is a possibility that it could be rescheduled. We'll announce it on the website, if that happens. Thanks for your patience and interest!

ARCUS will be celebrating Antarctica Day by hosting a LIVE, real-time event with PolarTREC educator Jocelyn Argueta from the South Pole Station in Antarctica. Learn more about Jocelyn’s adventures at the South Pole here.

Register Here

News From: - Events

SEARCH Town Hall at AGU

SEARCH will hold a Town Hall at the upcoming AGU Fall Meeting in San Francisco, CA, on Friday, 13 December 2009 at 12:30-13:30pm PT, in Moscone West - 2003, L2. In this town hall, SEARCH seeks best practices and ideas to further improve how we share knowledge of the Arctic with policy makers. Other SEARCH-related events will include a Permafrost Carbon Network meeting and several sessions and talks.

SEARCH at AGU Events

News From: - Events

Arctic Research Funders Meet & Greet

On Tuesday, 10 December 2019 from 3:00-5:00pm, please join ARCUS and IARPC Collaborations for our 2nd Arctic Funders Meet & Greet networking event at Hotel Nikko in San Francisco, CA. This special event will provide an informal opportunity for Arctic researchers to connect in-person with multiple agency program officers to gain insight into each organization’s Arctic research funding interests and opportunities. There is no cost to participate and you do not have to be registered for the AGU Fall Meeting to attend.

Learn More

News From: - Events

SIPN2 Sea Ice Community Open Meeting


Please join the Sea Ice Prediction Network - Phase 2 (SIPN2) for a Sea Ice Community Open Meeting on Tuesday, 10 December 2019 from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. (PST) in the ARCUS Arctic Community Meeting Room: Monterrey I — Hotel Nikko San Francisco, located at 222 Mason Street, San Francisco, CA.

All attendees are invited to participate in a fast-paced round-robin session to share information about related efforts and/or needs for input. A PowerPoint template is available, for those who want to share information in a slide format, upon request.

Presentation Guidelines and Further Information

News From: - Webinar

Arctic Research Seminar Series with Jeffrey Brooks

Arctic Research Seminar Series

ARCUS invites registration for our next Arctic Research Seminar featuring Jeffrey Brooks (Bureau of Ocean Energy Management). This seminar, titled “Science and Traditional Knowledge in Decision-Making: A Federal Agency Shares its Experience in Alaska,” will be held Wednesday, 4 December 2019 from 9:30-10:30 a.m. AKST (1:30-2:30 p.m. EST) online via Zoom.

Registration Link

News From: - Events

Arctic Research Community Reception

Arctic Research Community Reception

Please join us Wednesday, 11 December from 7:30-9:00pm (Pacific Time) for a special Arctic Research Community Networking Reception being held at the Hotel Nikko (222 Mason St, San Francisco, CA 94102, Monterey I & II) in San Francisco, CA. An ARCUS member affiliation is not required to attend and there is no cost to participate. However, advance registration is encouraged.


News From: - Announcement

Arctic Community Meeting Rooms Available During the AGU Fall Meeting

Arctic Community Meeting Rooms Available during the AGU Fall Meeting

ARCUS will be hosting Arctic Community Meeting Rooms during the American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting 2019 in San Francisco, California. Meeting space is available, by reservation, in one- to two-hour blocks for groups working on Arctic research and/or education activities. The meeting rooms will be located at the Hotel Nikko San Francisco and are available free of charge.

The Arctic Community Meeting Rooms are funded by the National Science Foundation's Division of Polar Programs to encourage collaboration and facilitate face-to-face meetings of opportunity.

More Information and Reservation Request

News From: - Webinar

Join Us for TWO PolarConnect Events in Late November!

PolarTREC educator Denise Hardoy and Amy Osborne

PolarTREC educator Denise Hardoy will be live on Wednesday, 20 November at 8:15 AM AKST (9:15 AM PST, 10:15 AM MST, 11:15 AM CST, 12:15 PM EST) to discuss her experience on the team studying Antarctic Fish Development Under Future Ocean Conditions. You can read more about what Denise is learning here.

Educator Amy Osborne will be presenting about her research experience at McMurdo Station on Friday, 22 November at 8:30 AM AKST (9:30 AM PST, 10:30 AM MST, 11:30 AM CST, 12:30 PM EST). Amy is working on the team researching Thermal Sensitivity of Embryos and Larvae of Antarctic Marine Ectotherms.

Register Here

News From: - Events

PolarTREC Live Event from McMurdo Station, Antarctica

PolarTREC Live Event from McMurdo Station, Antarctica

Join us for an upcoming PolarConnect event with educator Bridget Ward and the Weddell Seals: Growing Up on Ice Team. This event will broadcast live from McMurdo Station, Antarctica on Monday, 4 November 2019 at 8:30 AM Alaska Standard Time (9:30 AM PST, 10:30 AM MST, 11:30 AM CST, 12:30 PM EST). Register today!

Register Here

News From: - Job Opening

ARCUS Seeks Executive Director

ARCUS Seeks Executive Director

ARCUS seeks an Executive Director to continue our important work of increasing opportunities for collaboration across the broad Arctic research community. Responsibilities will include leadership and advocacy for the organization, management of projects and initiatives, financial oversight, staff supervision, support of the Board of Directors, and oversight of strategic planning efforts. Applications are due by 5:00 pm AKT on 15 November 2019.

More Information

News From: - Webinar

Arctic Research Seminar Series with Anna Liljedahl

Arctic Research Seminar Series

ARCUS invites registration for our next Arctic Research Seminar featuring Anna Liljedahl (University of Alaska Fairbanks). This seminar, titled “Permafrost Hydrology Discoveries and Opportunities”, will be held Friday, 1 November 2019 from 10:00-11:00 a.m. AKDT (2:00-3:00 p.m. EDT) online via Zoom.

Register for the Webinar

News From: - Publication

Large Loss of CO2 in Winter Observed Across the Northern Permafrost Region

Permafrost Carbon Network Logo

A new publication in Nature Climate Change provides a baseline for winter CO2 emissions from northern terrestrial regions and indicates that enhanced soil CO2 loss due to winter warming may offset growing season carbon uptake under future climatic conditions. This science synthesis effort was led by Dr. Susan Natali and the Permafrost Carbon Network.

Read the Article

News From: - Publication

Witness Community Highlights

Witness Community Highlights

The October 2019 issue of Witness Community Highlights is now available online. This issue includes an article “Widespread Permafrost Degradation in the Canadian High Arctic at 80°N,” summarizing results from a recent study that suggest complex causes to the rapid increases in signs of permafrost instability in the polar desert of the high Arctic.

Read the Issue

News From: - Report

2019 Sea Ice Outlook Interim Post-Season Report

2019 Sea Ice Outlook Interim Post-Season Report

The 2019 Sea Ice Outlook Interim Post-Season Report is now available. The September monthly averaged sea ice extent at the end of the 2019 summer melt season was 4.32 million square kilometers. This is the third lowest in the satellite record that began in 1979.

This interim report is intended as a quick postseason update that summarizes how the outlooks did in comparison to the observed September monthly mean extent. A full post-season report, to be published in February 2020, will include an in-depth analysis of factors impacting sea ice this past summer, further discussion about the outlooks, comments on regional observation, predicted spatial fields, Antarctic contributions, and a summary from the Sea Ice Drift Forecast Experiment (SIDFEx).

Full Report

News From: - Announcement

ARCUS Welcomes New Staff Member

Kuba Grzeda

We are happy to welcome Kuba Grzeda to the ARCUS staff team! Kuba joins ARCUS in the Fairbanks, AK office as a project assistant. Prior to joining ARCUS, Kuba worked on connecting commercial fishers and other small businesses in Alaska with federal grant funding, was part of the facilitation team of the Fairbanks Air Quality Stakeholders group, and helped plan a number of conferences throughout Alaska. Kuba will be working on a variety of projects and events, and we hope you will join us in welcoming Kuba to the Arctic research community!

ARCUS Staff Webpage

News From: - Report

IPCC Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate (SROCC)

SROCC Report

The SROCC Report's Polar Regions Chapter (3.4) focused on 'Arctic Snow, Freshwater, Ice and Permafrost: Changes, Consequences and Impacts'. Members of the Permafrost Carbon Network took a leadership role in developing the report.

To learn more, please join Ted Schuur (Chapter 3 Polar Regions Lead Author) on Tuesday, 8 October, 2-3pm ET for an IARPC Collaborations webinar presentation focused on the permafrost aspects of the report with an overview of the latest science on the state of changing permafrost and the regional and global implications.

Read the Report

News From: - Opportunity

Now Accepting Applications to PolarTREC

Now Accepting Applications to PolarTREC

The application period for 2020-2021 applications from U.S. educators wishing to participate in the program and for researchers wanting to host an educator in the polar regions is now open!

Educator Application Deadline: Monday, 7 October 2019 by 5:00 p.m. Alaska Daylight Time
Researcher Application Deadline: Monday, 14 October 2019 by 5:00 p.m. Alaska Daylight Time

Access Applications Here