ARCUS Publication Directory

The ARCUS Publication Directory is a portal that includes science planning documents, white papers, newsletters, and other reports that are outside of the peer review literature.

The publications index is listed in chronological order beginning with the most recent publication.

Displaying 161 - 170 of 255 publications.
Year: 2010 - Publication

Sea Ice for Walrus Outlook (SIWO)

The SIWO provides weekly reports from April through June with information on sea ice conditions relevant to walrus in the Northern Bering Sea and southern Chukchi Sea regions of Alaska.

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Year: 1996 - Publication

Toolik Field Station: The Second Twenty Years

Toolik Field Station: The Second Twenty Years, Recommendations on the Science Mission and the Development of Toolik Field Station. Arctic Research Consortium of the US (ARCUS), Fairbanks, Alaska. 1996. 43 pp.

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Year: 1996 - Publication

Online Directory of United States Arctic Researchers

Online Directory of Arctic Researchers. Arctic Research Consortium of the US (ARCUS), Fairbanks, Alaska. 1996.

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Year: 1997 - Publication

People and the Arctic: A Prospectus for Research on the Human Dimensions of the Arctic System

People and the Arctic: A Prospectus for Research on the Human Dimensions of the Arctic System. Arctic Research Consortium of the US (ARCUS), Fairbanks, Alaska. 1997. 77 pp.

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Year: 1997 - Publication

Modeling the Arctic System: A Workshop Report on the State of Modeling in the Arctic System Science Program

Modeling the Arctic System: A Workshop Report on the State of Modeling in the Arctic System Science Program. Arctic Research Consortium of the US (ARCUS), Fairbanks, Alaska. 1997. 141 pp.

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Year: 1997 - Publication

Logistics Recommendations for an Improved U.S. Arctic Research Capability

Peter Schlosser, Walter Tucker, Nicholas Flanders, Wendy Warnick (eds.). Logistics Recommendations for an Improved U.S. Arctic Research Capability. Arctic Research Consortium of the US (ARCUS), Fairbanks, Alaska. 1997. 88 pp.

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Year: 1998 - Publication

Toward Prediction of the Arctic System

Toward Prediction of the Arctic System. Arctic Research Consortium of the US (ARCUS), Fairbanks, Alaska. 1998. 65 pp.

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Year: 1998 - Publication

Toward An Arctic System Synthesis: Results and Recommendations

Toward An Arctic System Synthesis: Results and Recommendations. Arctic Research Consortium of the US (ARCUS), Fairbanks, Alaska. 1998. 165 pp.

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Year: 1998 - Publication

Russian-American Initiative on Shelf-Land Environments in the Arctic (RAISE) Program Plan

Steven L. Forman and G. Leonard Johnson (eds.), Russian-American Initiative on Shelf-Land Environments in the Arctic (RAISE). Arctic Research Consortium of the US (ARCUS), Fairbanks, Alaska. 1998. 50 pp.

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Year: 2002 - Publication

Arctic Science Education: Recommendations from the Working Group on Arctic Science Education to the National Science Foundation

Arctic Science Education: Recommendations from the Working Group on Arctic Science Education to the National Science Foundation. Arctic Research Consortium of the US (ARCUS), Fairbanks, Alaska. 2002. 51 pp.

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